Sidewall came down with elephantitis | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sidewall came down with elephantitis

So I was driving home from work on a brand new part of the highway. I felt a really hard vibration all of a sudden. I stopped and walked around and didn't see any flat or anything out of the ordinary. I figured i threw a weight. When I got back on the highway the vibration was mostly gone.

Tonight i took a trip down to my parents' house to see my brother before he flies back to the west cost tomorrow. When I got on the highway the back of my explorer felt VERY lose. I thought I snapped a sway bar end link it was so bad. I got off the next exit and took a look under the car. When I looked at under the back of the truck I saw this:


The tires are less than 2 months old. Discount Tire Direct will be processing the warranty claim as soon as I get the tread depth measured. Now I gotta go get a 256/70R17 spare so I don't do any damage to my 4wd... damn...

I had some mickey thompson tires that used to do something like that but never that noticeable and never affected the drivability of the car... weird!

What brand and model?
