Silly questions from a Explorer newbie | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Silly questions from a Explorer newbie

Admin BRL

Elite Explorer
February 15, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Sao paulo , Brazil
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993/94 XLT Explorer 4.0
Hello fellow Explorers!

Without embarassment, I have some silly questions about our cars.. and here in Brazil almost doesn´t exist more to compare.. I count on you to get these answers hehe

So, no more delays, let´s begin!

1 - In a 1993/4 4.0 explorer, what is the expected idle ? 750? 600? 900?

2 - At first start, is normal it revs up to 1500 and slowly stall until 800?

3 - If you stomp gas pedal , quickly to 3500, it should back to idle imediately or get slow decrease from 1500 to idle?

4 - is possible to find dowloadable repair documents (haynes, etc) to our Explorer? i only find phisical books, no problem with that, but always overseas... so expensive to send it here. I already have some haynes books, but to my other cars.. this one I even find here in Brazil.

5 - Anyone knows about installing a shock absorber into steering system, to help avoid the death wobble? Like used in motorcycles and off-road cars..

6 - Not all Explorers come with alarm/anti theft system, right? Mine don´t have, and I will (further) install one, more to do a lock doors/windows outside..

7 - What is the usual drink you guys have at happy hour? Here we use to have very cold beer.. and specially a "Chopp" , idk what is called in english, ithink is draft. But is a beer also, but no conservants, and extracted directly at the tap / faucet . (come on, today is friday.. and here in Brazil is summer yet haha)

Eventually more silly questions will appear, and when it comes, I´ll update this post/thread.

Thank you all and cheers!

Edit #1 - already remembered more one:

8 - I count 4 radiators in my Xplo. One is for engine, one to A/C, one to tranny (in front of all) and one tiny bitsy ipsy , near front bumper at passenger side, clote to the others. Who is this tiny one? what is cooling into?

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Well, to answer your first two questions, the normal idle speed is 800 rpm. Cold startup is 1500rpm then dropping to 800 after warmup.

The idle speed is slightly different between manual and auto transmissions

5. A steering damper can be installed on the front steering linkage. You maybe able to find a kit from superlift or skyjacker or James duff? It has been years since I have seen them. A properly aligned steering system and front end should not need a damper. The death wobble means you have worn components that need to be replaced. I deal with the “death wobble” a lot on jeeps. The definition of the death wobble is basically “the inability for the suspension to control its rebound” and it is usually caused by more than one component worn out. Best place to start is with tire balance and replace worn shocks and springs. After that it would be to find any looseness in the suspension bushings. For the ford ttb you should inspect radius arm bushings and beam pivots as well as the usual ball joints and I joints.

6. 1994 did not have an anti theft system
Ford did not introduce the pats (chip key) anti theft until 1998 in explorers and 2000 in rangers

Beer and whiskey! I also love tequila ;)

1 - In a 1993/4 4.0 explorer, what is the expected idle ? 750? 600? 900?

With my manual transmission I believe the idle is 900.

2 - At first start, is normal it revs up to 1500 and slowly stall until 800?

Yes this is normal on startup.

3 - If you stomp gas pedal , quickly to 3500, it should back to idle imediately or get slow decrease from 1500 to idle?

It doesn't snap back as quickly as a carburated engine does. The IAC, Idle Air Controller is the reason.

4 - is possible to find dowloadable repair documents (haynes, etc) to our Explorer? i only find phisical books, no problem with that, but always overseas... so expensive to send it here. I already have some haynes books, but to my other cars.. this one I even find here in Brazil.

I don't know.

5 - Anyone knows about installing a shock absorber into steering system, to help avoid the death wobble? Like used in motorcycles and off-road cars..

It can be helpful. I had one on my 1st gen Explorer with 33"s tires. With stock size tires you shouldn't need it unless there is wear in the front end, or if the toe adjustment is off.

6 - Not all Explorers come with alarm/anti theft system, right? Mine don´t have, and I will (further) install one, more to do a lock doors/windows outside..

First gens didn't have the PATS system. They may have come with a more basic alarm as an option.

7 - What is the usual drink you guys have at happy hour? Here we use to have very cold beer.. and specially a "Chopp" , idk what is called in english, ithink is draft. But is a beer also, but no conservants, and extracted directly at the tap / faucet . (come on, today is friday.. and here in Brazil is summer yet haha)

I enjoy a dark beer ever now and then. I'm not a big drinker.

8 - I count 4 radiators in my Xplo. One is for engine, one to A/C, one to tranny (in front of all) and one tiny bitsy ipsy , near front bumper at passenger side, clote to the others. Who is this tiny one? what is cooling into?

Not sure, mine doesn't have that. Perhaps someone added an oil cooler?

The idle speed is slightly different between manual and auto transmissions

5. A steering damper can be installed on the front steering linkage. You maybe able to find a kit from superlift or skyjacker or James duff? It has been years since I have seen them. A properly aligned steering system and front end should not need a damper. The death wobble means you have worn components that need to be replaced. I deal with the “death wobble” a lot on jeeps. The definition of the death wobble is basically “the inability for the suspension to control its rebound” and it is usually caused by more than one component worn out. Best place to start is with tire balance and replace worn shocks and springs. After that it would be to find any looseness in the suspension bushings. For the ford ttb you should inspect radius arm bushings and beam pivots as well as the usual ball joints and I joints.

6. 1994 did not have an anti theft system
Ford did not introduce the pats (chip key) anti theft until 1998 in explorers and 2000 in rangers

Beer and whiskey! I also love tequila ;)
Looks like we can drink some toghether, huh!

Thanks for replying! and cheers :chug:

1 - In a 1993/4 4.0 explorer, what is the expected idle ? 750? 600? 900?

With my manual transmission I believe the idle is 900.

2 - At first start, is normal it revs up to 1500 and slowly stall until 800?

Yes this is normal on startup.

3 - If you stomp gas pedal , quickly to 3500, it should back to idle imediately or get slow decrease from 1500 to idle?

It doesn't snap back as quickly as a carburated engine does. The IAC, Idle Air Controller is the reason.

4 - is possible to find dowloadable repair documents (haynes, etc) to our Explorer? i only find phisical books, no problem with that, but always overseas... so expensive to send it here. I already have some haynes books, but to my other cars.. this one I even find here in Brazil.

I don't know.

5 - Anyone knows about installing a shock absorber into steering system, to help avoid the death wobble? Like used in motorcycles and off-road cars..

It can be helpful. I had one on my 1st gen Explorer with 33"s tires. With stock size tires you shouldn't need it unless there is wear in the front end, or if the toe adjustment is off.

6 - Not all Explorers come with alarm/anti theft system, right? Mine don´t have, and I will (further) install one, more to do a lock doors/windows outside..

First gens didn't have the PATS system. They may have come with a more basic alarm as an option.

7 - What is the usual drink you guys have at happy hour? Here we use to have very cold beer.. and specially a "Chopp" , idk what is called in english, ithink is draft. But is a beer also, but no conservants, and extracted directly at the tap / faucet . (come on, today is friday.. and here in Brazil is summer yet haha)

I enjoy a dark beer ever now and then. I'm not a big drinker.

8 - I count 4 radiators in my Xplo. One is for engine, one to A/C, one to tranny (in front of all) and one tiny bitsy ipsy , near front bumper at passenger side, clote to the others. Who is this tiny one? what is cooling into?

Not sure, mine doesn't have that. Perhaps someone added an oil cooler?
Rick is the man... the encyclopedia itself! many thanks for the reply!

Dark beer is a great one too. Specially in winter, or with some meat... nham... (I am not a regular drinker, but in summer I appreciate some beverage once a week or so). Anyway, you too are invited to drink a virtual one today, it´s friday afterall!

8 - I´ll take a pic of that, but was night. so, shame on me, that photo isn´t good. but I´ll upload it here. .

Edit: pic uploaded

Well, to answer your first two questions, the normal idle speed is 800 rpm. Cold startup is 1500rpm then dropping to 800 after warmup.
Nice to hear that. So, I am figuring that is OK with mine.... oh, I forgot to mention, is a Automatic one.

Hey people! I found what is that tiny radiator. That´s a radiator for power steering! :O
