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Slide trans back


Elite Explorer
December 18, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Miami, Fla
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Sport Trac
Want to slide back transmission with transfer case . With motorcycle jack , anybody done this and was jack vertical or horizontal to trans. Also not dropping Y pipe. Your thoughts… thanks in advance

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Good luck! The y pipe is right in your way

5 more
Bolts to drop the t case

Use a transmission jack if one is avail

do you think I can slide it back 4-5 inches with Y pipe installed


The later
Model y pipes are slightly different then the earlier ones… they have cat converters in them

I do know I can barely get the transmssion pan out of there with the y pipe in place but it does come out. Things are pretty tight in there. Getting the auto trans back and over the y pipe is very difficult… which is why we just drop the exhaust

If it was my project I would just drop the exhaust it makes life so much easier


The later
Model y pipes are slightly different then the earlier ones… they have cat converters in them

I do know I can barely get the transmssion pan out of there with the y pipe in place but it does come out. Things are pretty tight in there. Getting the auto trans back and over the y pipe is very difficult… which is why we just drop the exhaust

If it was my project I would just drop the exhaust it makes life so much easier
Its been awhile since last post .. You were right about the exhaust . started in Jan . pulled the trans and transfer case together , did rear guide then the front chains and guides
. the rear guide was cracked but the front was good , did it any way .Took off balance shaft chain, This was my first time pulling tranny and transfer case together here are some pics .
also used a hex die to chase threads on exhaust flange







Beer 30
