Small engine question for 12.5 Briggs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Small engine question for 12.5 Briggs


Active Member
February 25, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
Hello, I have a 12.5 HP B&S engine that was running a few years ago when I parked it. I took it off the mower but I think I turned the engine the wrong way and allowed gas to get into the crank case.
I put the engine on my other mower and tried to crank it but it would not crank and was spitting oil & gas out of the muffler. I drained all the oil out and I took the carburator off to clean it up a bit, my question is:

What do I do now to get this engine to run right and to get the gas out of where it should not be and the oil out of where it should not be?
Thanks for your time!

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Pull the drain plug and tip the motor around. All the gas should drain out. Did you crank it without the fuel line on to make sure the float needle isn't stuck and flooding the cylinder with gas?

Pull the drain plug and tip the motor around. All the gas should drain out. Did you crank it without the fuel line on to make sure the float needle isn't stuck and flooding the cylinder with gas?

I did the drain but I didn't check the float. I took the carb off so that I could clean and rebuild it.

Got it fixed. I cleaned out the carb real good, it really needed it. I flushed the old oil out and put in some fresh oil. She runs like a charm!

Thanks for your reply!

Glad you got it figured out :thumbsup:

Got it fixed. I cleaned out the carb real good, it really needed it. I flushed the old oil out and put in some fresh oil. She runs like a charm!

Thanks for your reply!

seafoam works wonders in those briggs engines. I add it to every fuel fillup, the carb is always squeaky clean and starts quick too.

Great idea! I think I'll run some seafoam the next time I fill up my mowers.

Hey Walnut, I'll see your 12.5hp B&S and call you out with my B&S 20hp I/C Twin II "Rat Tractor" ;)



Jeff - :navajo:

That's pretty neat! I have an old Murray mower that I was going to take the deck off of and slap this 18.5 hp B&S that I have sitting up. I just wished I knew how to gear it to make it faster!

You just need a larger pulley at the motor, or a smaller on at the transaxle, or larger tires.
