Small SMORR trip planned Jan 8 or 9th, anyone can join. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Small SMORR trip planned Jan 8 or 9th, anyone can join.

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Looks like we have nothing going on so I will be there. Now just figuring out when to leave?

Great! It will be good to see you again Chad!

Don't forget your coveralls, I know how you like climate control &

We're In on SMORR for Saturday

Gregg, just wanted to let you know Rich and I are coming up this Saturday and possibly others. Thanks for the invite and I look forward to seeing soon. JCO


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Well, I'm having some marital issues guys :(, so unsure if I can make it now, hopefully know in next couple days.

Nope, pretty serious stuff, but i'm trying to make it happen. Something even bigger has come up since i posted that, but 2nd thing might help the marital bliss! Lol which inturn also mean i better get my but there cause will be to far to drive in future :)

Whewwww!! Good news, got everything worked out good to go!!! Plan is we are leaving early Sat Morn, will arive at park around 8-9 am

What C/B channel are we using ???
Can we all meet back where we usually camp around 9 to get started!!

So excited!!

Glad to see your back on track Brad.

Will meet you out there in the am.

Did some snow wheeling this morning at the lake, got a few inches of snow overnight, that was a blast! The temps are supposed to stay below freezing all week, and they are calling for more in the middle of the week. This should make for some interesting wheeling not being able to see the entire trail.

It looks like it is about a 3.5 hr drive for me from STL. So I am going to try and get on the road by 5:00 A.M but with the little guy going he may be a problem getting out of bed at that time..

Yea, All clear. Did some snow wheeling myself today.

well snap, I can't make have to work after all. Hopefully I can get to frostbite instead.

Bummer :( Its long drive for you guys maybe you both can come to my get together, getting ready to set a date!

as long as can get enough notice and figure out what's squealing like a pig in this f***ing cold

I think we need to move this little get together to a different date. The cold is not going away anytime soon, plus more snow on top of the 6" we just got is really going to make these trails too dangerous. I want to have a fun trip out, not spend the day recovering one or more of our rigs. With that said, I am out.

We can do this some other time when Mother Nature is more hospitable.

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Are we moving the date? I do agree that it is pretty frickin cold. But I did not know you have snow down there?
