snow plow? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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snow plow?


Well-Known Member
January 30, 2005
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City, State
Morristown, New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport
Why doesnt anyone put a snow plow on their explorer? I know in the manual it says not to, but whats the logic?


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go ahead and do it.. it isn;t that big of a deal...
It was snowing today and i seen one with a plow on it on the city streets. and at my brothers house there was a S10 chevy blazer plowing the streets there and some driveways also..

As long as you take it easy i am sure you would be fine...

The A4LD family including the transmission in the 2nd generation V6 Explorers will implode under the stress caused by the snow plow. I definately don't recommend it.

Blee1099, i saw those, but i am interested in a real plow to make some money.
i do understand how anoying it can be when people repeat things

I have a light duty plow on my Mounty, but wouldn't recomend it on a V6. You can't plow commercially with an Explorer, you'd be much better off getting an old beater, and have a plow put on it.

BlingNGasoline said:
Blee1099, i saw those, but i am interested in a real plow to make some money.
i do understand how anoying it can be when people repeat things

You want to look in to a snow-away or blizzard plow for something as light as a stock v6 explorer, cost on these are around $4-5k (guess) and factor in $$ for extra trannys for the truck if you like the skinny petal or try to push too much snow with it, check out to get more info about plowing... Oh and be sure to check local laws on snow removal, in some areas its a 10k fine for pushing snow across public streets, and also makesure you have insurance and maybe bonding if you plan to use it to make money

The small Blizzards and Sno-ways are around 450# with the mounts. Blizzard would be my choice of the newer plows. (Unless I was going super heavy duty, then i'd get a Hiniker flip down) The Sno-ways are nice because they take the wieght of the front when they are dropped. I wouldn't recommend either on an Explorer due to them being too heavy for the front end, and even worse for the trans.

Snoway plow ST80 6'8" 299-328lbs aprox, I dont know what i was thinking when I said blizzard, it would probably pull the rear tires off the ground :p
other options are the fisher homesteader or meyers :rolleyes:

Yup. Get an 80s Chevy 3/4 ton. They never rust to the ground and never die.

The ST you are talking about is only the plow and fame wieght. It doesn't include the 100+ wieght of the mount that stays on the truck. Plus thats the plastic blade. For the 3500+ you would drop on that you could buy a beater, and add a rebuilt plow on it. The Blizzard straight blades aren't as heavy as you may think, and are comparable to the wieght of the Snoway.

BlingNGasoline said:
Blee1099, i saw those, but i am interested in a real plow to make some money.
i do understand how anoying it can be when people repeat things

For the number of times you will have to do lots in a real snowfall, it wouldn't be worth it. With a fullsize truck, you want to do the lot when there is about 6" of snow down, otherwise it takes a lot longer and is a lot harder on the truck. The Explorer is light, and as others have said, doesn't have the power behind the engine.

Great comment regarding insurance--you will be liable if someone slips on an area you plowed--my brother is getting out of plowing mainly because of the liability his business is exposed to (and his insurance for plowing was around $1000).

thanks, sounds like i need an old plow truck...
