so any body know the scoop on the flowmaster 40 series | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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so any body know the scoop on the flowmaster 40 series


January 23, 2007
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT v8 4.6L
the scoop on the flowmaster 40 series, Mac's 2.5" cat-back, JBA EVOL Cat-back.. best?

Hey i have a 2003 Fordd explorer xlt V8 4.6L and i was looking into a new exaust.

I came across the flowmaster's 40 series muffler and love the loud roaring sound but i really wanted a full system.

Can anyone tell me what will give me the best out put of power with still a decently loud sound, because I need to wake my truck up, its to quiet and is lacking the bootm end (acceleration)

Are these good exhausts? and are they loud? which is the lodest and such... any info would be great!

JBA EVOL Cat-back exhaust system -

Mac's 2.5" cat-back system -

Thanks in advance!


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You can get the muffler only in a lot of places, but if you want the whole exhaust system it's best to get it custom bent with your choice of muffler


ive gt a 99 x w/ a super 40 fit for a chevy...i bought it took it to the shop and they did the rest..sounds great i love it...also to get a better sound think about high flow cats:thumbsup:

You can get the muffler only in a lot of places, but if you want the whole exhaust system it's best to get it custom bent with your choice of muffler


Yeah, but i cant find a 40 series muffler for a 2003 model as i described. If you can findone and post the link i will be very thankful!


edited first post!
