So is that a tranny cooler on my car? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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So is that a tranny cooler on my car?


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2006
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City, State
Newtown, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer XLT
Hey guys

I want to find out if my car has a Tranny cooler, I looked around near the radiator and I found a smaller radiator in front of the radiator on the passenger side. I'm not if thats the condenser tho. Is there any way of finding out? Its a 97 Explorer XLT 4.0

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Based on your description, yes, thats a tranny cooler.

What is a safe amount to tow with the stock tranny cooler?

Class 3 hitch I think the v6 stock expo is rated at 4k lbs roughly but I wouldn't pull that much with it without a much larger cooler in addition to the one you already have.

Class 3 hitch I think the v6 stock expo is rated at 4k lbs roughly but I wouldn't pull that much with it without a much larger cooler in addition to the one you already have.

Sage advise.

I will get a pic of it and post it in 30 min or so just to be sure its the cooler. I don't have a hitch right now, but I would install one, just wondering how much can the tranny, engine and drive train can handle

I will get a pic of it and post it in 30 min or so just to be sure its the cooler. I don't have a hitch right now, but I would install one, just wondering how much can the tranny, engine and drive train can handle

I tow a Jeep on a heavy tandem trailer with a Class III hitch with my 4.0 SOHC with a factory cooler supplemented with a B & M stacked plate cooler. I also use Amsoil synthetic ATF.

ok here are the pictures, so please let me know if its the tranny cooler and how much towing my tranny can handle


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I tow a Jeep on a heavy tandem trailer with a Class III hitch with my 4.0 SOHC with a factory cooler supplemented with a B & M stacked plate cooler. I also use Amsoil synthetic ATF.

good. now I think I can tow the boat that I was planning to buy.

I tow a Jeep on a heavy tandem trailer with a Class III hitch with my 4.0 SOHC with a factory cooler supplemented with a B & M stacked plate cooler. I also use Amsoil synthetic ATF.

Key thing in there being "STACKED PLATE" don't do what I did and buy a single plate cooler and think all will be well because it won't be. I dunno how effective the cooler I have on there is (Which is rated for around 25,000lbs ) because I didn't have a temp gauge before the cooler was added but in arizona I'm seeing 280 degree temps with hard driving in traffic and it being 120ish out. Get a stacked plate, mine will be on it's way shorty to go in line in addition to the single plate cooler I already added.

he is god.
