SOHC: What is this !? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SOHC: What is this !?


Moderator Emeritus
February 5, 2003
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Germantown, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ford Explorer
hey umm what the bloodclot is this?


i broke off the plastic engine cover off of the SOHC engine about a year ago and this little plastic thingy (the black thing the arrow is pointing to) pops off every now and then. i dont really notice any change in how the engine runs when it has popped off... so im just curious what it is..

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Looks EGR related or cruise control related


Well, I don't have access to my 99 SOHC right now, but that looks like the location of the IAC on mine. However, that thingie looks way different than my IAC.
EDIT on my 99, the EGR is on the front left of the block.

mosinman said:
but that looks like the location of the IAC on mine.
yeah the IAC itself is just a few inches in front of that black plastic piece... but i tried moving it while the explorer is in idle and i dont think there was any change in the idle..


Well then.... I don't know what it is. Someone will post with the right answer I'm sure.

That looks like the lever is mounted to a diaphragm... something vacuum related?

Someone mentioned something about variable intake length awhile ago. Could this be something to do with it?

AHAH! this is all starting to sound like i have some sort of a freak of an engine.. :confused:

Varible induction system (VIS) or Intake Manifold Tuning Valve. It's vacuum accutated when the engine goes above 3000 rpm to creat a better air/fuel charge for increased torque.

RickOTR said:
Varible induction system (VIS) or Intake Manifold Tuning Valve. It's vacuum accutated when the engine goes above 3000 rpm to creat a better air/fuel charge for increased torque.

Ahhhh thanks!!

yeah i think thats what it is, i did a search on it and it was discussed on this thread (post 18 and on...)


All right! Now... is it a problem that the black rubber thingie pops off occasionally?
Looks almost like its just a bumper for the acctuator rod.

mosinman said:
All right! Now... is it a problem that the black rubber thingie pops off occasionally? Looks almost like its just a bumper for the acctuator rod.

yeah the thing tha the arrow is pointing to does pop off every now and then but i think this is an easy fix... i was just wondering whether or not i should even bother putting it back on the next time it pops off.. but after the replies on this thread and realizing that it actually DOES something, maybe i should ;)

Your missing the C clip that holds it down. Should be able to find one at a hardware store.

I'd be more worried about that leaf. ;)

I had the same problem with mine popping off too. Went to Napa and picked out a brand new clip and no problems since. Funny thing, I was at the dealer that day looking up some prices on other parts, and I was wondering if they had any clips since I was there, and they wouldn't give me one, they wanted me to BUY a whole new IMT!!! I'm not going to buy a $110 part for a $.02 clip.

Hey EBInterceptor, can you get a pic of the clip? (wow that rhymes)... i just dont see any room to get a clip under there to retain the little black plastic piece.

Hey EBInterceptor, can you get a pic of the clip? (wow that rhymes)...

That rhymes? pic,,, clip, not a rhyme sounds intresting though

TheRookie said:
That rhymes? pic,,, clip, not a rhyme sounds intresting though

AHAH FINE!!! be that way!!! ur sleeping on the couch tonight mr. !

Eh, the couch and I are well adjusted to eachother ;)

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If you push down the black piece that rotates, you'll see a little indentation right beneath it. It's 1 am here, but I'll try to get you a picture in a few mintues.

Edit: It's pouring here now, but I can for sure get a picture tomorrow morning/afternoon for sure. I'll check the weather too if I can get a pic tonight.
