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Sold the Explorer


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those things are a nightmare to work on, and past 100K #6 cyl will lose compression, the EGR passages will clog up and it will generaly run like a chevy CRAP

but your the one who drives it so if your happy then thats all that matters

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haha u guys suck... im not bashing fords... i love them

well anyways took the blazer mudding for the first time today... it is amazing because its got limited slips in both axels... i can come to a complete stop in the middle of a mud hole and then drive it right out no problems

well look at what you had before.
Under-geared, 4X2, Open rear end.
My buddy has a 4.3 chevy and it never gives him truble. he can roast the tires pritty good.

double posted on accident

Ok I said I'd update you on the blazer build up anyways... Well here is the list of things I got done over the past couple of weeks. I'm liking the new ride a lot but I still miss the explorer.


-2.5" Torsion and Shackle Lift
-31" BFG A/Ts
-Dynomax Dual Exhaust
-AEM Brute Force Cold Air Intake
-5% Window Tint
-Galaxy 2 Way Alarm w/ Remote Start
-Blazer Extreme Grille Emblem and Grille Mesh
-NuImage Glow Gauges (white faced)
-Smoked Taillights


-Remove All Side Moldings
-Wheels- American Eagle Series 135
-Complete Stereo
-Hypertech Reprogrammer
-TransDapt TB Spacer
-Cowl Hood
-3" Body Lift
-33" Super Swamper TrXus STS Tires



looking good. i think the new wheels will help the look of it a lot. and the 33s will defenatally make it look better then most of those S10.

yeah the factory wheel offset makes it look horrible... the wheels i'm getting have a -30mm offset so it should help the look a lot

sold the X

:eek: :eek: Bought a CHEVY!!.....ptoo,ptoo,:p: :p: I said that word, gotta wash out my mouth now with soap.....u'll be back to buying a Ford soon enuff after having one of those for awhile, I'll bet......:rolleyes:

hey guys it has been forever since i have checked in with yall... thought id let you get up to date on the blazers progress

here is a list of what i have done


2.5" Suspension Lift
31x10.50 Interco Trxus MTs
Rockcrawler 51 15x8 rims
Trimmed Fenders
Removed Moldings
SS Extreme Bowtie
Mesh Grille Insterts
Smoked Taillamps
Stubby Antenna AM/FM/CB
20% Window Tint


JVC Head with 3.5" Screen
2 MTX 12" Subwoofers 400 RMS each
Power Acoustik 1600 Monoblock Amp
MTX Mids
Cobra Radar Detector Wired through the dash
NuImage Guage Faces
Midland CB Radio
ScyTek Galaxy 2way Alarm and Remote Start
PA Speaker under the hood


AEM Brute Force Cold Air Intake
Dynomax Dual Exhaust
Hypertech Max Energy Tuner (coming soon)

and here is a picture


nice looking ride now my buddy just bought one yesterday me and him went to go pick it up there okay trucks

ok I'll admit


The big tires help alot. Those things look puny with the factory wheels.

make sure you buy ball joints and wheel bearings with every oil change, thats all im saying about the s-10s. other than that, a properly maintained 4.3 multi port is a very strong motor.

those 4.3's are great engines, built the same as the 350 small blocks, its just missing 2 cylinders... they are pushrod engines, and theres lots of aftermarket support to build em up strong and powerful.

for a light trail truck i guess the blazer would be alright, has a nice full size truck trans in it...cant complain about that

for offroad really cant beat a ford, or, dare i say it a... toyota if you want long travel and great offroad ability

make sure you buy ball joints and wheel bearings with every oil change, thats all im saying about the s-10s. other than that, a properly maintained 4.3 multi port is a very strong motor.

haven't had ball joint or wheel baring problems at all... they are notorious for fuel pump issues, but I haven't had any problems... the control are bushings are the only thing I have had to replace more than once
