Solved - Solved 4.0 SOHC Lower Oil Pan Gasket | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Solved 4.0 SOHC Lower Oil Pan Gasket

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Lee's Automotive

Elite Explorer
September 23, 2020
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United States
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer XLT 4.0 SOHC
Hello, I ordered the Fel-Pro OS 30687 lower oil pan gasket, and it came with 2 round gaskets where do these go? 1999 Ford Explorer 4.0 SOHC XLT


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mine didnt come with that! do you have a picture of it? curious, maybe it did and i have forgotten!

huh! i just checked, and mine didnt come with it! :(

For the drain plug
There's two different plugs
Swap the gasket over to your plug

For the drain plug
There's two different plugs
Swap the gasket over to your plug
Thank you i wish fel pro would put that in the listing

Look on the packaging it should have been listed

Look on the packaging it should have been listed
Yep, I'm an idiot just seen it what's the hard plastic white one for? is it for the drain plug too?

There are 2 different drain plugs depending on the 1 you have will depend on which gasket you use throw the other 1 away or save it

There are 2 different drain plugs depending on the 1 you have will depend on which gasket you use throw the other 1 away or save it
Ok thanks for your reply sorry for wasting yalls time

Just the fact that you are wondering is not a waste of time you wanna do the job right that's a good thing

You're definitely not a waste of time
trust me, ive wasted lots more time ;) ;) ;) all good, thats why were all here! anyways, i wasnt much of a help... just took up space on the page🤣

I did mine few months back. Didn't help my oil leak. It came with the 2 as well. Since I use a drain valve I put them in the parts box.

Thought I would ask in here rather than start a new thread.

I'm about to drop the pan as part of the oil change to check for timing component debris.

I have a new oil pan gasket from Fel-Pro (OS30687R) and I'm wondering if there is a specific tightening sequence when putting it back on?

I believe the torque required is 71 to 88 inch pounds, so I'll go to 80.

Can't find a sequence anywhere so figured it would be best as pictured? Or does it not matter?


Thought I would ask in here rather than start a new thread.

I'm about to drop the pan as part of the oil change to check for timing component debris.

I have a new oil pan gasket from Fel-Pro (OS30687R) and I'm wondering if there is a specific tightening sequence when putting it back on?

I believe the torque required is 71 to 88 inch pounds, so I'll go to 80.

Can't find a sequence anywhere so figured it would be best as pictured? Or does it not matter?

CheersView attachment 448357
I didn't use a torque wrench i just snugged them all up using a cris cross pattern
