some 4x4 thoughts and concerns | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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some 4x4 thoughts and concerns


Jack from JackOffRoad
Elite Explorer
August 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
West Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 2dr
Right now its 50*, last week it was 20* with snow showers and a good few inches of snow on the ground, next week is calling for snow agin. so ive been using my 4wd to say the least. the 91-94 4wd systems need a full rotation to lock into 4wd, correct? i think i read that somewhere. well how about when engaging 4wd and trying to back up? i noticed it wasnt to keen on shifting into 4wd if i hit the button and put it in reverse to back up. even after i had it engaged and moved forward i heard some unfamiliar groans from the driveline while in reverse. is this normal? am i worrying too much? any thoughts appreciated.
