Somebody just hit and run my 1997 Explorer daily driver | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Somebody just hit and run my 1997 Explorer daily driver


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
Some drunk d***azz hit an ran my '97 Blue Explorer daily driver today. I was on my short 4.75 mile trip today and a ******* with a Mississippi license plate stopped short in front of me and I veered left to keep from rear ending him, he turned left into me. I went left into the ditch and popped back up on the 2 lane road backwards. I was fortunate that I stopped because if I had kept going into the right side ditch, it is possible that I could have rolled it.
The right rear wheel is chipped, the rocker side trim knocked off, both doors damaged, the right front fender and the right front wheel damaged and destroyed the last of my good tires. I had a spare with air, thank goodness.


I'm keeping an eye out for the Toyota to see if he wants to buy his bumper back. I don't think that I can get $1000 for my 'beater' anymore. I'll just drive it until it is only good for parts.

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I'm happy ur ok tho

Thanks. It could have been worse.
RR wheel chipped but holding. I think I will swap hoods with the MM that has rust all along the front edge.

Dude I am so sorry.. This especially hurts to see, because we have the exact same truck. Same year, color, trim package, motor, bumpers, accents, factory wheels, stripe.... I'd be sick. Do you think the frame got wonked out from the hit??

Could that one make the white one run again?

@metalxface The frame is not bent. It was pulling a bit but it may have been the spare at 20#s and showing threads. I have a good tire to put on my '97 MM then I will have a tire to go back on the front wheel. I may have Wal-mart "spin up" the wheel while the tire is off to see if it got bent.
@Josh P The white '92? Actually it puts me a tire short because the white 92 needs 2 and I had only rounded up one tire for it and had seen the MM left rear that was going to be the 2nd. Now it's going on the front of the blue '97 Explorer. I'll just drive it until it's done then it would be good for someone to drop in a 5.0 and AOD. I don't have an extra 5.0. I had mentioned to you earlier today that I have one that can go back in the MM when I remove the 5.0 coil-near-plug engine for the 99 Ranger.

Some drunk d***azz hit an ran my '97 Blue Explorer daily driver today. I was on my short 4.75 mile trip today and a ******* with a Mississippi license plate stopped short in front of me and I veered left to keep from rear ending him, he turned left into me. I went left into the ditch and popped back up on the 2 lane road backwards. I was fortunate that I stopped because if I had kept going into the right side ditch, it is possible that I could have rolled it.
The right rear wheel is chipped, the rocker side trim knocked off, both doors damaged, the right front fender and the right front wheel damaged and destroyed the last of my good tires. I had a spare with air, thank goodness.
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I'm keeping an eye out for the Toyota to see if he wants to buy his bumper back. I don't think that I can get $1000 for my 'beater' anymore. I'll just drive it until it is only good for parts.
Glad your okay man that sucks I had a dude in a Toyota corolla cut me off the other day and then brake check me several times it's common in my area for people to drive like idiots and I've learned to just brush it off as long as I don't get hit because road rage isn't the answer and what was worse is he had no license plate so I can almost bet he didn't have insurance or a license

Glad your okay man that sucks I had a dude in a Toyota corolla cut me off the other day and then brake check me several times it's common in my area for people to drive like idiots and I've learned to just brush it off as long as I don't get hit because road rage isn't the answer and what was worse is he had no license plate so I can almost bet he didn't have insurance or a license
You can tell he's an idiot when he risks having a 2 ton plus SUV roll over his dumb *** in a small sedan LOL

You can tell he's an idiot when he risks having a 2 ton plus SUV roll over his dumb *** in a small sedan LOL
Yep my friend was freaking out and i was like if he wants to play dumb fine but it will be his ass not mine

Sorry to hear that, glad you are ok.

Looks fixable. Glad you’re okay, happy the truck isn’t severely damaged

It will buff out
Poor ol 97
Some People suck
Battle on!

You know... With this wonderful weather, now you can go doors-off on your way to work and the grocery store ;) Hahah.

@metalxface With the doors off, too much stuff would fall out LOL.
@410Fortune I just drove in the big city today. My mindset was "cut me off, go ahead and cut me off. This 4000 Explorer wont mind a bit doing a pit maneuver "
I'm at a tire shortage now and about to go purchase a new Wrangler to go with the 4 on the '97 MM to free up a tire to go on the rim wheel that will get checked while I'm up there at Walmart. This will be a do a guy a favor and take one minute and spin it up for me while you shafte me on the mounting,balancing valve stem & road hazard. Yes I'm going to get road hazard on the new tire. I just ran over something 3 weeks ago with the right front and punctured it beyond repair. Then yesterday this happened in the wreck. Picture below of the tire from yesterday. Right front too.

The road hazard is a good idea, I think we should name that explorer the General Lee.

The wheel checked out and "the works" on the Wrangler worked out at $132- even. Going in the a.m.

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She’ll be fine. I got rear ended by a semi in 2016. Totally destroyed the hatch. Was able to do some bodywork, replaced the hatch, did the bumper mounts and bumper, etc. Had to paint and blend everything.

Needed a new grille, lights, hood, front bumper from getting pushed into the car in front of me. That was a brand new BMW that got totaled—trunk fully crumpled in. That car left on a flatbed. I drove my trucklet to the emergency room.

You can tell if you look close. Rear left door has no gap at the back from crumple. Rear left light assembly is crooked. Hatch looks factory new though with all that paint. Closes well, most of the time.

I was gonna junk her. Happy I didn’t. 120,000mi ago. Scars add character.
