sound system question (capacitor ) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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sound system question (capacitor )


March 29, 2009
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98 explorer
ok i was haveing amp issue but i fixed that i took out the sony 600 watt 4 ch and i got a use amp from cregslist it is a pyle chopper 1800 watt the guy that sold it to me told me i should get a capacitor but i dont know what size or any thing about them now im running a dual voice coil Audiobahn 10" sub and a( pla-2210 pyle chopper 1800watt 2 channel amp )

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Thats a very nice sub! I have one in my truck thats 300RMS and installed another in a buddys car that is 900RMS.. They sound awesome!

Some people say capacitors are useless and if you want extra protection for the alternator to use a dry cell battery in line were you would but the capacitor. I'm not running a capacitor or an extra battery and never had a problem. If your RMS rating is somewhere around 800watts i don't think you necessarily need anything but its a matter of onion.

I don't know what size you need for sure either.. but 1 or 2 farads should be enough.

Pyle amps are of the LOWEST QUALITY...please stay away.

RMS Power at 4 Ohms: 120 W x 2
RMS Power at 2 Ohms: 200 W x 2

I don't think I would get a capacitor...

i hear capacitors are over rated. IMO a HO alternator or a seperate bat would be better. dont know about the amp. i have the now extinct LA sound amp in my truck hopefully i can replace with something better

well i dont know about low QUALITY but i only paid 40.00 for it and im on kind of a fixed income im getting unemployment so i had to go with some thing cheap and the guy is holding a 15" pyle sub for me i told him i didnt have money for both the amp and the sub he only wants 40.00 for the sub to and he said he would build a box for me to

you might be able to get a good deal on Craigslist. i have no idea how good or bad pyles are. i have a pioneer oldie bazooka subwoofer. it sounds good to me. although alot of people say pioner sucks. people tend to go for JL audio , and Sundown audio. but then again i live in the geto and have already had someone try to jack my system

audiobahn isnt very good, tho it's better than pyle. keep that over the pyle. please. pioneer is good, i'd use them for headunits. but not amps or subs. nothing against them, i just prefer other brands for amps/subs. JL may sound good, but it's WAY overpriced. sundown audio is boss tho :) cant beat a badass product with pretty much the best customer service there is. not to mention WAY underrated products. not surprising to see people picking it :)

caps are useless. unless you have very little to no voltage drop, i wouldnt even bother with one. if you're experiencing any voltage drop, upgrade your alternator, or add another battery. just dont mix wet cell and dry cell batts.

and for future wanna get a cap that's 1 farad for every 1000 watts. 4 farads = 4000 watts.

bigboom. how much does a 10 inch sub @ 300 watts cost from sundown audio. i checked the website but it seems to not work so good.
