Source for spindles? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Source for spindles?


September 26, 2007
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Expatriated Texan in Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
Does anyone have a good source for new spindles for a 4wd? Here is the only source I've found so far. (Also, what does TTB stand for in that product title?) The Ford house says they are obsolete, and I'd like to buy new ones.

If you're wondering why I'm replacing them, check this thread.

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you don't have spindles my truck has spindles cause it's a 95'-01' 2 wheel drive only 2wd's have spindles you have coil's :)

there's no such thing as spindles in the FRONT of the truck for 91-94 4wd's

i'm almost 100% positive only 2wheel drives have spindles and vice versa only 4wheel drives have CV's and such...

Kyle, my truck has spindles. These models have a spindle bolted to the knuckle, and the spindle is large and hollow to pass an axle through it. See the pic in the link...

When I inquired about spindles for my '92, the dealership could still get them. He told me that, as a Dana Spicer axle, a Spicer dealer should also be able to get them. Called the local Spicer dealer and they were half the price of the dealership. Find a Dana-Spicer dealer and hopefully he'll know how to get spindles for you.

Thanks, Shorty. I called some local dealers, and the one who found them said that the original part was discontinued, and there is a replacement part for them. He wanted $157+tax for each one. is $129 each + shipping.

Shorty, what did you pay for yours, and how long ago was it? Did yours have front wheel ABS (the round notches in link pic)?

It was 3-5 years ago, and I didn't actually end up buying a spindle (I was doing ball joints and having a rough time getting the spindle off and was curious how much it would cost to replace). I can't remember if the dealership quoted $200 or $400 / side, but I remember that the Spicer dealer was about 1/2 the price of getting through Ford.

Yeah, after shopping around, I found that my local Dana/Spicer dealer wants $157 each. I called the Ford dealer again and insisted that the spindles they said were discontinued now have a new replacement part and number, and after hunting they found some to sell me at $400+.

I bought the spindles today. :) Thanks for the help.
