spacing out the rear wheels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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spacing out the rear wheels

well i got some 22's a while back, and didnt notice till just recently (from a coworker) that my rear looks narrow because the tires sit deep in the wells. the front is pretty close to the lip of the fender flare (about 1" before it sits flush with the flare), and the rear has a whole long way to go, like 2" or so that it evens out flare wise on the rear.

i was thinking of getting some 2" spacer adapters to fix the problem such as these. spacer/adapter link

would there be any problems to doing this?

i know im looking at a 1.5" to a 2" spacer to solve my problem.

my other option was to buy a pair of rims that were the same size but wider, but with my luck they dont make them any wider than what i got.

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Spacers may be a good answer to your problem. I've heard they aren't that safe, but just make sure you torque them right.


1.5 to 2" wheel spacers are dangerous. Anything more than 1/2" is risking alot of stress on your axles.

Blee1099 said:
1.5 to 2" wheel spacers are dangerous. Anything more than 1/2" is risking alot of stress on your axles.

yeah i was thinking something was up. well its not really a spacer but an extension, the picture on the link is exactly what would be going on

i would do it 100% if i wasnt going to be adding 250lbs to the rear of the truck (subs and fiberglass box)

putting on real spacers such as the ones rick and otehrs use that dont just slip on and have their own studs arent that bad.... they wont put a ton of extra stress on the axle.. the 8.8" is pretty stout... and as long as you dont thrash or beat on your truck, it wont hurt it any.....

They're no different than wheels with less backspacing. I wouldn't do 2" though, just a bit too risky for me. The most I'd go is 1.5".

jimabena74 said:
putting on real spacers such as the ones rick and otehrs use that dont just slip on and have their own studs arent that bad.... they wont put a ton of extra stress on the axle.. the 8.8" is pretty stout... and as long as you dont thrash or beat on your truck, it wont hurt it any.....

i will have to do a search on this, the ones in the link i posted are the ones that mount over the original bolt pattern that use 5 lugs/nuts to hold them in place

2" thickness does seem a bit much.... but the ones you linked to are the only way to do real wheel spacers... the slip on ones are garbage...

well i only need it for the rear, i could live with the rubbing in the front for now. i think the only reason im rubbing right now is i dont have my system in the rear to level out the truck, so the front end is angled a little.

i think ill get them next pay day, even if it doesnt work out i could sell them on ebay for a little bit of a loss, but hey, its a lot cheaper than buying them at the local rim shop (they wanted $100 for a(1) 1" spacer like the one i linked)

I have also recently had some 22" fitted and am suffering with the same problems, I am having a set of 2" rear and 1.5" front spaces custom made as they are unavailable off the shelf in th UK....I have been told that the amount of stress placed on the axles is negligible....Porsche have been using spacers up to 90mm on their cars for years. Also 22" wheels are 1'5 inches wider than the standard wheels therefore with spacers in place the width between chassis and back of the wheels is not that much greater than standard.

There are cheap spacers, both bolt on, and slip on thin plates. I have the quality 1/4" plates, which cost about $150. The cheap $15 set is what are causing people trouble.

I'm sure that there are bad quality bolt on spacers. Search around, I noticed a better quality brand when I found mine. Those good brands don't cost $100 each, more like the spacers that I have. Good luck,
