Spark plug verification | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spark plug verification


Well-Known Member
June 22, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Fremont Oh
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 explorer
Hi Guys,

After reading many threads about the trouble with changing plugs on a 4.6L 3 valve engine, I am wondering how to tell if an engine is a 3 valve or not. ( I understand they made some that did not have the special plugs )

Is there any way of looking at the engine on a 2004 explorer 4.6L to verify if I have to follow the special procedure in plug removal ?

If I do NOT have the special plugs in my 2004 4.6L engine, is there any other recommended way of removing the plug other than just cranking them out with a 3/8 drive ratchet ?

I am a little nervous because there is a green " X " on the valve cover on the drivers side by a plug hole, and I am wondering if they were changed by a PO and he had trouble with it ...

Many Thanks,

The 4.6 used in the explorer is a 2V. Just take them out and replace with pre-gapped Motorcraft plugs.
