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Spark Plugs


Active Member
January 24, 2006
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Oceanside CA
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94 eddie bauer
so im swapping my plugs, theyve been in there for a while. I swapped my drivers side bank, not huge problems. I decide to crank my motor over to see if there are any problems. To my (not so ) surprise, there are. It idles harder than it usually does, and i get a CEL. I got the right boots going to the right plugs, i dont know what it could be.

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Sounds dumb, but check and make sure all the boots are pushed on fully. I did mine one time and didnt get it to click on, truck ran like crap till I got it right.

ok, ill double check em real quick. thanks.

ok, they were all on good. I took the front plug out and tried to see if it sparked when i cranked the motor and i didnt see anything (i only cranked it a couple times) i also put the old plug in the #6 (i think, the front driver side plug) and its still doing the same thing.

i cant believe something so basic is kickin my butt like this.

they are champion plugs btw, could it be the plugs? they were like 1.xx each. i tried to get OE plugs, but they were out of stock.

Perhaps......when you pulled the wire/boots off of the plugs.......the wire got damaged??

Aloha, Mark

ma96782 said:
Perhaps......when you pulled the wire/boots off of the plugs.......the wire got damaged??

Aloha, Mark

i though about that too and the wires look ok, but the boots are cracked, but they were cracked before too.

i fixed it, i unplugged the MAF sensor to put the air filter in and forgot to plug it in :(

Yeah, that would do it. At least nothings wrong!

94eddieB said:
they are champion plugs btw, could it be the plugs? they were like 1.xx each. i tried to get OE plugs, but they were out of stock.

Get some new plugs thouse suck A$$...
