Speedo Calibration excuse for speeding ticket? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Speedo Calibration excuse for speeding ticket?


Active Member
May 2, 2000
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City, State
St. Mary's County, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 4door 4wd XLT
I recently upsized from 235/75's to 31's. And i havn't gone to check if my speedo is calibrated or not. I just got a ticket for doin 39 in a 20. I know i was speeding, but there is no way my speedo was at 40. IF i can get a mechanic to verify my speedo is off, and get it fixed. is that basis for me getting out of my ticket?

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ive heard from some people that they've gotten their tickets reduced

You could get it reduced I'm sure, but you may not want to. At around 35mph, your speedo is only off a little bit, say 2 or 3mph. You go to a mechanic and get them to say your speedo is off, you can get an improper equipment ticket. So which would be cheaper? Paying for a 14 over ticket, or a 12 over plus a improper equipment ticket? Just thought you might want to take that into consideration.

I would just deal with the speeding ticket and fix the speedo gear yourself. it's the cheapest way

My buddy did it and got off the ticket alltogether. But he was only going 5 over.

Your Speedo is only off by 5% when switching from 235's to 31's. If your speedo says you are doing 30 mph, you are actually doing 31.5mph. If you try to use that excuse in court, you'll probably get hammered. Better pay the ticket :(

i wouldnt mention the speedo at all,instead i would
just say the speedo hasnt been verified since
purchasing the vehicle,also make it known exactly what speed you were going,and ask if the officer is a radar expert and when the last time the unit was checked
for accuracy and by whom.

Actually that last post works. I have a friend that went to court for a speeding ticket and that was exactly what he said. He wanted to see the records of the last calibration date and who did it. He got off of the ticket becuase they couldnt produce those records.

Didn't work for me... I had to pay the ticket...

Originally posted by SSIKORA
My buddy did it and got off the ticket alltogether. But he was only going 5 over.

He was actually pulled over and given a ticket for going 5 over? Man, that sucks...

I'd say to fight it, I don't know about there but here if you set up a court date and the officer does not show up it gets dismissed cause they are not there to argue it out. If you pay it, then it is on your record also I say fight it all the way. Try to get a mechanic to give you something saying the speedo wasn't correct but that it was since fixed. They won't give you a ticket for improper equipment that way then. Also try to remember if there were any cars on the road with you to say that maybe the radar picked up on them and not yours. Set up a court date, you'll have PLENTY of time to work up excuses/defense.
