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Sport cluster question

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ChopinOn22s said:
Alright, after a few rides in my lady friends 02 sport, I like the silver pieces on the dash. I also like the gauge cluster. I found them on eBay but they have the original miles on them that they came out of. Is there anyway to change the miles to the original? Heres a linky:

I went through this same ritual a few months ago and didn't really get the answers I was looking for. Some people say you can get the dealer to re-set the odometer. Some say you can only get the milege rolled forward (not back). I never really did know what the right answer was. I ended up scoring a cluster with MORE kilometers on it than mine. I'm going to put it in when I catch up. Search around the site. There are quite a few threads on the subject.

I did try a seach, but my IE is being funny tonite and keeps closing everytime I try to search. I know it will wire up. You can just roll the miles yourself? I don't have many, and I want to be legal about it also.

p.s. If cluster sells cheap enough, just score it and cannibalize the overlays, red needles and possibly the shift indicator. Those are dead easy to swap out and look better than most aftermarket overlays, IMHO. At the end of the day, you might be stuck with white numbers on black background for the odomters, but it's not that bad looking:

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Can't roll yourself. My dealer refused to do it, but BBQ_HotDogs got it done at his dealer. They'll probably refer you to an odometer shop to roll it forward. You might have one of those lucky dealers that does it.

I've got reverse glow gauges and was just thinking of swapping the needs and shift indicator now. Do you need a special tool to pull the needles though?

ChopinOn22s said:
I did try a seach, but my IE is being funny tonite and keeps closing everytime I try to search. I know it will wire up. You can just roll the miles yourself? I don't have many, and I want to be legal about it also.

I don't think it's possible to roll the numbers yourself. Call a stealership and see if they can do it. They MUST run into situations where people's odometers die and need to be replaced. I know of another guy on this site that just swapped out the cluster as is. He made a record of the actual mileage at the time of the swap and makes adjustments whenever he needs maintenance or whatever. Obviously, you'd want to let a new buyer know as well.

ChopinOn22s said:
I've got reverse glow gauges and was just thinking of swapping the needs and shift indicator now. Do you need a special tool to pull the needles though?

I used a special's called a salad fork. Works GREAT. You just position the tines (sp?) of the fork under the base of the needle and gently use the leverage created to pop the needle off. VERY simple procedure.

ChopinOn22s said:
I've got reverse glow gauges and was just thinking of swapping the needs and shift indicator now. Do you need a special tool to pull the needles though?

No, it comes right off. Very easy. Personally, since my milage if off on my odo, I just keep a card with the difference between the two clusters and always add it when I'm asked for it. The look of the 01+ sport gauges are superb compared to the reverse glow, I promise you. You'll be glad you did.

Is it possible to swap the odometers from one cluster to the other?


ChopinOn22s said:
Got any pics draft? Any with them lit up?

No, will get some tomorrow night for you though.

TAS98xlt said:
Yes, but be warned..the needle will need to be removed. And you may not get back on accurately. I did this and it's off by 5-10 mph.

With trial and error, you can get it back pretty close. I used Auterra software on my Palm Pilot clone, hooked up the the OBD port. The software measures speed and tach via the port. I had to do a lot of re-positioning before I got the needles right.

Definitely a downside to removing the needles.

Rodeo Joe said:
Is it possible to swap the odometers from one cluster to the other?


I've read elsewhere that it is. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to remove them from the cluster. I just left well enough alone. ;)

celly said:
I've read elsewhere that it is. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to remove them from the cluster. I just left well enough alone. ;)
You have to pry off the gauge face(the black part) from the cluster. Then there are some screws to remove the odometer.


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That's good stuff and a great reference source for the archives.
