Squeal from front in during coold weather | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Squeal from front in during coold weather


New Member
April 19, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Patterson, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
Bought my Explorer new in 1998 and use it a lot for snow skiing. The car has a loud squeal in the front left hub area in cold weather conditions (60deg<). This does not occur in warm weather. It does not go away when I hit the brakes, turn the steering wheel, go fast/slow; it stops making noise when I stop rolling.
Any ideas??????????????:bounce:

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Better have your wheel bearing checked out

could also be a siezed or about worn out brake component

The reason I said wheel bearing is pretty simple.Heat things expand and the cold they contract.Do your brakes pull to one side or the other?

It is the inner bearing seals. They were defective from the factory do a search on inner bearing seal. About $100 job from the ford house. Not impossible to do yourself, it is explained on one of the threads.

also check Dust Boot cover and Hub Seals. Cause of cold weather squealing on a lot of 98 and 99 Ex's

also check Dust Boot cover and Hub Seals. Cause of cold weather squealing on a lot of 98 and 99 Ex's

We are talking about the same thing. Different name same cause and fix.
