Starter Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Starter Problem


October 11, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Kawartha Lakes, Ontario, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 eddie
Here’s my problem I have a 95 explorer EB edition and some mornings the starter will engage and if I run around and park it sometime starts sometimes not, then some morning it won’t start what’s so ever I had it towed to a mechanic and dam things starts after having it towed. I’m pulling my hair out what’s left of it anyway

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Does it just click and click until you need a jump start? Cauz if so thats a battery or alternator issue.

It could also be that that your starter is on its way out. Next time it wont start, tap (not smash) the starter a few times with a hammer (or something similar) and try to start it again.

It click at solinoid on wheel well battery side I even did screwdriver trick and shorted large lugs on that solinoid and starter wouldnt spin, then following morning it started??? so ran into town and parked 2hrs and it wouldnt start again then the tow as in my orig msg

Yeah try tapping it a few times.

can it be accessed from enging compartment or is it a crawl under the truck??

Typically under -- unfortunately ;)

Typically under -- unfortunately ;)

My Explorer starter failed from corrosion. The exposed thick, braided external wire that leads from the brushes to the solenoid corroded and would make intermittant contact. Finally it stopped working. I could have replaced the brush pack but I figure after these years it would be wise to put in a reman.
