starting 5.0 swap-- 99 5.0 to 01 4.0 ST | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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starting 5.0 swap-- 99 5.0 to 01 4.0 ST

so does that module just get tapped into those three wires? way you worded it looks like I just need to tap them into those three wirds.

Today I'm going to get the alternator harness going. Looks like I need to use the 5.0 alternator harness, but repin the sport tracs connector onto it. I think that's so I can use the pins for the low oil level sender. I don't have them both side by side yet to compare.

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I just checked the ST it has
Pin 1-empty
Pin 13-black/white
Pin 14-black
17 wires total

The 99 5.0 Explorer
Has the pins as noted
19wires total if I counted right.
Looks like pin the G force module into the ABS but I’m not sure yet what the pin 13/14 are on the ST that would be eliminated.

just picked up a bw 44-06 out of a 2004 f150. NON-heritage and it is not TOD. Shift motor looks exactly like the 1354. so I guess next up is figuring out the drive shafts.

Fired up the 5.0 today. Open headers and no maf. She fired up and ran. But I had no theft light? As in no blink ever. Nothing with no key in. Nothing with key in and nothing with start. I tried swapping cylinder and key back to my Sport Trac and no light but also no crank on the starter. So it’s working just not blinking. It’s a new bulb prior to my swap and I did change it again anyway. Any ideas???

I didn’t think PATS disabled the starter, I thought it just inhibited the injectors from firing?

Well the engine started and stayed running so pats must be working. With the wrong key the starter did not crank. Tomorrow I’m going to swap in the explorers gauge cluster to just see if it’s a cluster thing

Well the engine started and stayed running so pats must be working. With the wrong key the starter did not crank. Tomorrow I’m going to swap in the explorers gauge cluster to just see if it’s a cluster thing

Yeah, that sounds like a display issue, not the PATS or keys etc. Congrats on getting it running.

Yeah your going to have to rewire the light. Prior the signal came from the pcm where the 99 keeps all the pats stuff in the inside of the truck.

any links on how to rewire it? Seems no matter how I word "theft light not blinking" or with the word no, all ill get is the responses with the theft light blinking, none for no theft light. This is a 99 donor and an 01 sport trac

I'm not sure if you can.
The line colour is DK BLU/LT GRN.
on a 99 Explorer and maybe the early model ST it comes from Pin 8 on the PATS module to Pin 6 on the Instrument cluster.
On a late model 2001 and 2005 ST it comes from Pin 30 on the PCM to Pin 6 on the Instrument cluster.

I am going to be facing the same issue on my 05 ST.

Interesting I have to look at where that pin is. I have an early 01. It’s a 6/2000 build

It’s in the wiring on the back of the cluster. I’m about to swap my gauges into the 99 explorers shell to use the rear ribbon and will post some pics and results after

This pic you can see an extra resistor and the back ribbon panel is slightly different. I read the sticker and someone swapped clusters in my 01 st for an 02-03. Worked fine but not with the 99 So I guess any for your 05 you can swap in a early 01 st or the donors cluster and be done. I just swapped my gauge pods into the 99 cluster and I’m back up and running. Theft light is blinking away


Excellent, well done.

Bump. Still having a hard time figuring out the abs c1102 code and the electronic 4406 not going into 4lo
