STEEDA Sway Bar Installed!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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STEEDA Sway Bar Installed!!

Ahh sorry, skipped over it. Just got it and the squeak is gone! 20 bumps I went over just to test it lol
Excellent! Glad it worked, I know the annoyance for sure :)

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I just got mine installed today. A great improvement in handling! Virtually all roll is gone when cornering on the middle/neutral setting. A big improvement to understeer as well. More responsive turning due to better tire grip. The vehicle feels like it’s on rails around turns.

Just installed the sway bar today using the middle adjustment. Handling on turns and curves is SO much better. Feels about like my Infiniti. Well worth the money.

Wife is asking for B-Day gift ideas. I am thinking of pulling the trigger on the sway bar. Are those of you who have it installed still happy with your decision to get it?

My wife got me the sway bar for my birthday! I played golf this morning, and then had lunch with my buddies. No time to install it today, but will likely do it this week. I'm looking forward to a lot less body roll!

There's been a few times when in a big hurry that I've taken turns like a bat out of hell and it handles it very nicely. You'll notice a big difference.

Did the install the other day as well!!! Awesome and easy! @UIN2IT Video was a great resource, BTW!





How much was the Quickjack setup you got there? @are6rider

And I assume those are lowering springs? How are those compared to stock?

AND also noticed you are running straight exhaust? Is there a muffler somewhere? Wat set up is that?

AND also noticed you are running straight exhaust? Is there a muffler somewhere? Wat set up is that?

There is at least a muffler showing in the last picture.


@mguy13sport All in I spent about $1600 with Quickjack, but I did a bunch of improvements on the kit. Made everything, to include the controller, quick-connect so everything can break down easy, also made a carry case for everything to make it easy for transport...






As for lowering Springs...yup, got the H&R ones and love em, but also upgraded to the Bilstein B6s as well as some other Steeda parts:


AND as for the exhasut, its just the standard Livernois (just re-branded CORSA exhaust) turbo-back setup with high-flow cats and dual mufflers...nothing spectacular.

@mguy13sport All in I spent about $1600 with Quickjack, but I did a bunch of improvements on the kit. Made everything, to include the controller, quick-connect so everything can break down easy, also made a carry case for everything to make it easy for transport...

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As for lowering Springs...yup, got the H&R ones and love em, but also upgraded to the Bilstein B6s as well as some other Steeda parts:

View attachment 314949

AND as for the exhasut, its just the standard Livernois (just re-branded CORSA exhaust) turbo-back setup with high-flow cats and dual mufflers...nothing spectacular.
Very nice setup, thanks for sharing! Bet it handles like a dream now. I also wanted to take a second to clarify on the exhaust comment just to avoid any confusion. We actually had custom fabricated the original Explorer Sport exhaust systems by hand on our own 13 shop truck years back because there was not a quality exhaust option available and Corsa also did not offer anything for them. So this is our own design that Corsa now produces for us with their high quality components. But you cannot go to Corsa and order an exhaust from them directly because it's actually a Thunderstorm line developed in house at our facility. So they tell people to call us since they do not offer their own line for the Explorer. This is the same for our downpipes we engineered in house, but have produced for us b another large exhaust manufacturer.

Here's a link to a thread with more info on the development of our exhaust products for the Explorer.

Very nice setup, thanks for sharing! Bet it handles like a dream now. I also wanted to take a second to clarify on the exhaust comment just to avoid any confusion. We actually had custom fabricated the original Explorer Sport exhaust systems by hand on our own 13 shop truck years back because there was not a quality exhaust option available and Corsa also did not offer anything for them. So this is our own design that Corsa now produces for us with their high quality components. But you cannot go to Corsa and order an exhaust from them directly because it's actually a Thunderstorm line developed in house at our facility. So they tell people to call us since they do not offer their own line for the Explorer. This is the same for our downpipes we engineered in house, but have produced for us b another large exhaust manufacturer.

Here's a link to a thread with more info on the development of our exhaust products for the Explorer. comment...

Installed my Steeda sway bar today, and I'm very happy with the improvement in the ride.
Only thing still on my mind though is those stock sway bar links. They seem pretty flimsy. Are they supposed to be wiggly side to side, or are mine shot?
I can't help but think that those should have been replaced as well, and I'm surprised that Steeda doesn't make a better replacement for them.
What's the consensus on those? Are the stock links good enough, or are can the ride be improved more by replacing them? Which brand did you swap them out with if you went that route?

Also, I went with the middle setting. Has anyone done a comparison between the middle and stiffest setting? Is stiffest better, or is it too much? I wouldn't mind getting some feedback before I crawl back under there and change mine up to compare.


Installed my Steeda sway bar today, and I'm very happy with the improvement in the ride.
Only thing still on my mind though is those stock sway bar links. They seem pretty flimsy. Are they supposed to be wiggly side to side, or are mine shot?
I can't help but think that those should have been replaced as well, and I'm surprised that Steeda doesn't make a better replacement for them.
What's the consensus on those? Are the stock links good enough, or are can the ride be improved more by replacing them? Which brand did you swap them out with if you went that route?

Also, I went with the middle setting. Has anyone done a comparison between the middle and stiffest setting? Is stiffest better, or is it too much? I wouldn't mind getting some feedback before I crawl back under there and change mine up to compare.

I've ran just the bar, bar on H&Rs, and bar on H&Rs with Bilstein B6s. My recommendation: Stock springs and struts, middle setting. Upgraded springs only, middle setting. Springs and Bilsteins, max setting.

Installed my Steeda sway bar today, and I'm very happy with the improvement in the ride.
Only thing still on my mind though is those stock sway bar links. They seem pretty flimsy. Are they supposed to be wiggly side to side, or are mine shot?
I can't help but think that those should have been replaced as well, and I'm surprised that Steeda doesn't make a better replacement for them.
What's the consensus on those? Are the stock links good enough, or are can the ride be improved more by replacing them? Which brand did you swap them out with if you went that route?

Also, I went with the middle setting. Has anyone done a comparison between the middle and stiffest setting? Is stiffest better, or is it too much? I wouldn't mind getting some feedback before I crawl back under there and change mine up to compare.

Shouldn’t be flimsy and should have some firmness to it. Buy some Mevotechs with a zerk fitting so you can grease them when you do your sway bar bushing too.

I run H&R with Steeda Performance Shocks and the Steeda rear swaybar/trailing arms. I have it at the highest setting and wouldn't have it any other way. My girl rides very nicely, and really puts it down in the corners for a BBE (Big Beautiful Explorer) lol.
