steering column replacment | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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steering column replacment


Active Member
September 26, 2007
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Newark, DE
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Sport 2Dr 4.0 OHV
How hard is it to replace the column? My shifter is all messed up and no longer goes into park or 1st gear. I must have broken it off roading one day and finally just broke down to its current point. I can get them from the salvage yard but im worried about the cruise control buttons and the lock cylinder. Are those swapable to the replacement unit? most likely the cruise control will be on the used unit already. Any help would be great!

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bump! anyone done this?

I might be able to help

I did something similar on my 93 (and yes i know that it is a first gen), hopefully it is the same for you.

Your cruise control and omni-lever are connected through quick disconnects at the wires inside the column, and the 'tree' shift lever actuates a cable that is routed up and around the column to a bracket where is is simply clipped in. I would suggest that you dismantle as much as you are comfortable with, which can be quite a lot, surprisingly, and see if you have a broken cable, twisted bracket, or maybe things are just gummed up and some WD-40 (the non-aerosol variety) will clean it all right up.

Whatever the case, I would suggest figuring out exactly what is broken before you head out to the yard for parts. Also, have you looked on the far side of the firewall in the engine compartment? On mine the lever comes through and controls a a cable that drops down to my auto tranny. I would expect yours to me similar.

im thinking this will be my monday tuesday project. I have taken the plastic cover panel off to look underneither and it looks like a nightmare!

I have removed and made repairs to several Ford steering columns and they are fairly simple. I'm a retired mechanic so I've done my share of nightmares. I think this only looks like a nightmare because of everything that starts to hang down when you are taking it out of the car. The steering wheel has the cruise control buttons attached to it and there are connectors for all the harnesses you have to disconnect. just go slowly and watch as you take things off.

The bad thing about these columns is that they are made of aluminum and things wear out and break, especially when it's around a moving part. It's more of a block shape than a column but I think they are fairly easy to work on. It helps if you are mechanically inclined and can figure out how it's supposed to work when you are looking at it.

Another thing I just thought of it the air bag system. Disconnect the battery and pull the fuse. Wait about 10 minutes to allow the module to power down. Then you can remove the air bag with no trouble. Make sure the wheels are in the straight ahead position so you don't have to worry about the "clock spring" at the upper end of the column be in the wrong position.

I don't want to scare you but it's not really a difficult job. If you think it's above you after looking at it and reading up on it, then I suggest not doing it. It's your choice. Good luck. Mike

I just re-read your initial post and I was wondering why you think it's the column? Have you diagnosed it? How is the shift cable? Is it kinked or chafed or pinched? I think I would start there unless you have already done that.

Ive never delt with a column shift before so im really not sure. im gonna look into it more on sunday. Its like whatever keeps the shifter in its designated positions is broken. Its kinda hard to see what is really going on inside the square column. I have to keep putting the truck in neutral and starting it that way cause its not engaging the saftey switch. It wont even drop into first gear. Anyone have a diagram on it all?

I just noticed that your sig says that you have a 2" body lift... It might be the cable linkage on the far side of the fire wall binding up and not allowing your shift lever to function properly. Before you start tearing everything apart, just follow the path of your shift mechanism under the plastic bits, it should be easy to see all the way back. Yes, it looks damned complex and intimidating, but just remember to focus on only the piece that pertains to your problem, and ignore the rest, then it is actually a very simple mechanism.

ill check it out tomorow but I think Ive looked at that already and that cable was free.

how do you lower a steering column in 2000 ford explorer sport? I took out the two screws on the U-joint but it did not come down, are there other bolts at the bottom?

Steering Column lowering

how do you lower a steering column in 2000 ford explorer sport? I took out the two screws on the U-joint but it did not come down, are there other bolts at the bottom?

Donno.... have you hunted down a manual that might give an exploded view?

Steering column replacements are fairly simple. All cars are pretty much the same. Just keep track of the countless wires that go to the column, and try to to pinch any. The cruise should be just plug and play, the lock cylinder I am unsure of how to get out, so I am not sure how it will swap out.

As a retired mechanic perhaps you can help me. I was able to lower column, install and fix my broken shifter and tube. Now the problem is the car will not crank over-all the necessary lights for engine start up will come on but the car will not crank over. It appears to be the anti-theft (P.A.T.S) system. Is there ANYWAY to overide, disable bypass, or uninstall the system so as to get mt car started? It has gone for over a month now since I've installed shifter and I've tried everything including calling Ford to bypass or disable system and either they do not know or refuse to enlighen me. I just want to get the car started-it does not matter if I have to take the entire PATS system off and run a wire straight to starter. If I put in a new ignition will it start it? PLEASE HELP!!!
