steering stabalizer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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steering stabalizer

January 30, 2003
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Year, Model & Trim Level
91 4x4 xlt
i took the stabalizers off my explorer and i have no lift, and it is pretty scary making sharp turns. i am goin to get it lifted and i was wondering if you guy that had lifted explorers kept the stabalizers on??

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Keep the stabalizer, it will definatly benifit you especially with a lift. It keeps bump steer to a minimum.

Dooh! I mean sway bar!!

Got me confused at first talking about stabilizer. I had to have my stabilizer added. If you are going to lift, I recommend one. I have a single now, and have had that since I put on 31's. I am going to go to a dual now that I have 35's.

I have a question about my front end bouncing around while going around corners and bumps. I saw that dgibson had a similar set up to mine and I was wondering if you ever had any problems like this when you first put your lift on. I have had it alligned and it has new supper lift shocks on the front 9000x rear and front sway bar disconnects. I bought a dual stabilizer from skyjacker but they forgot to put a part in it so I am waiting to install it. if you have any info I would love some advice. TY

I have no sway bars!!!!!

I took them off mine, it seems to ride a whole lot softer. I also take it out every weekend so after taking it off about 20 times I just left it off. It does lean a lot while turning, but to me it is a whole lot softer on bumps and potholes while driving. Plus I like driving about fifty and swinging the steering wheel back and forth, all the cars around me slam on there brakes. All in fun!:D


If anyone wants an extra swaybar, you can have mine for free!!!!!!!!!!
By the way I only have 3 inches of suspension lift, and 3 inch body lift. That's not a very big suspension lift so maybe that's why it feels fine to me. So far I havn't seen how a X rides with more lift because no one else in this city seems to have one. Those are only 35x12.50 Tires.
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what do you mean "only" 35" tires. thats big for an "x". Yeah, I don't run sways either. I have rancho rs9000's and I just crank up the control knob on them a little more. I cant tell a difference from having them to not having them.
I will probably be buying 35's or 36's this summer to beef up the look and clearance of my sploder.
Yeah, though, dump the sway bars and get some good shocks, especially if you are going to be 'ffroadin' a lot.


how much does a ranco single stabalizer run? i think i can get the shock for 60 and the mounting kit for 30? sound about right?

I dunt know

I have no stabilizer for steering, I have no sway bars, but I do have lots of scratches. :D :D :D :D

i got my dual skyjacker hardware and shocks for about 88 bucks



Who did you get your setup through?

are they online?


Available for most vehicles. Steering stabilizers help dampen the effects of large tires and bad roads. Available in OEM replacement cylinders, single and dual kits for most vehicles.
Single as low as $30.95
Dual starting at $86.95

94EBexplorer, that thing is the best looking X on this site.


With six inches of lift, how much trimming to fit the 35's, and are they on 8 or 10 inch wide wheels?

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I have a 3" body and 6" sus. The only trimming that I have had to do was take the plastic trim off the bottom of the x. With 35x1250's, I recommend going with a 10" rim. That's what I have and what I have always been told.
