Steering wheel buttons have shriveled | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering wheel buttons have shriveled


May 27, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Denton, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT 5.0 auto 2wd
The cruise control buttons on the wife's '99 XLT Explorer have begun to shrivel and look too nasty and gooey to even touch. Is there source for replacement buttons? The wheel and its covering are in near perfect shape.

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I've found cruise buttons for my 97 on rockauto for about $100. Haven't orderd them yet, so I can't attest to their quality or fit

A few months ago, I snagged a set with soft button covers from the junkyard. Most that I run across are either super hard, or worn. After I installed the right one, I was slightly worried that the lighting would not match, and that I would like to have my old button cover. So, I pulled my old button cover off the broken tabbed one, and dislodged the circuit board from the two clips. Did the same for the junkyard replacement. Took my old circuit board, inserted it my old button cover, and snapped it into place in the junkyard back piece. Plugged wiring harness back in place, screwed unit in, and screwed airbag back in. Reattached positive battery terminal, and took a drive.

Works fine :thumbsup: No worries about matching colors :thumbsup:

So, if you want a good left button, and a good right one with broken tabs, PM me. You could easily just swap out the covers from these to yours, like I did on my right one. The covers are not in mint condition, but are soft. PM me for pics if interested.

I've found cruise buttons for my 97 on rockauto for about $100. Haven't orderd them yet, so I can't attest to their quality or fit

Cheaper on Amazon...

So, if you want a good left button, and a good right one with broken tabs, PM me. You could easily just swap out the covers from these to yours, like I did on my right one. The covers are not in mint condition, but are soft. PM me for pics if interested.

Thanks toypaseo! The buttons arrived yesterday and I've alreaady installed them.

Here's the link you shared with me that I found extremely helpful. I added my experience on pg 4 too.

Thanks again!
