Steering wheel shake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering wheel shake

My buddy just got some new wheels and now the steering wheel shakes between 50 and 70 mph. When I ride in the car it feels totally smooth, but when I drive it I can feel the slight vibration in the steering wheel only. Could it be something as simple as an improper balancing of a tire? Any input would be great. Thanks.

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Are you breaking at all? Or are you pushing the gas?

It pretty much happens whenever it is going 50-70mph. No brake, brake, no gas, or gas. As long as it's within that range, it shakes a little bit.

Are the lug nuts long enough for the lug. We had to get longer lug nuts for my mom's new wheels on her exped, and it did the same thing as your friends, but at 40-60mph. Since the lug nuts weren't long enough, it allowed there to be play, when you shook the tire while it was off the ground. Also, you should try to tighten the rotors.

Sounds like a balance issue. Just get them balanced.

BTW- When this happened to my mom's, all of the tires had been balanced perfectly.

did he get new tires along with the rims?

Yep, he got new tires and wheels. Got them rebalanced a second time. The problem is a little better but still there. We've now learned that hubcentric rings should do the trick...hope it works.

Thanks for all the input.

maybe ones bent? thats the only other thing i can think of
