stereo options??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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stereo options???


New Member
September 10, 2008
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City, State
Las Vegas, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Sport Trac XLT V6
I have an 08 XLT sport trac... Trying to find a descent set up for a speaker box for maybe 2 10" subs any suggestions? I know there are custom boxes for under the back seat as well as behind it... which is better? I found out the hard way the 6x9"s don't fit the doors, only 6x8's.. so if anyone is interested I have 2 pairs of Jensen 6x9's, powerplus693's.. they have a max of 400 watts and steady 80 watts... 3 way speakers... looking to get rid of them, trades are welcome too...

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Just a quick question or two... 6x9s require trimming to fit, not an option for you? Also, can you return or exchange the speakers?

There are a few Sport Tracs here with speaker boxes... have you checked them out? Really nice!

I don't mind doing a little trimming, but wouldn't know where or how to start... My pops is the CEO for a major electronics producer and sent me the speakers, so I could return them, but I'd rather sell or trade them. They are awesome speakers and the sound would have been immaculate... but even if I trimmed it to fit, I think the magnet would get in the way of the window track... I am waiting on the 6x8's now...

Oh, okay... I don't know the design of the Sport Trac, but I had 6x9s installed in the rears of the 03 4dr and the 01 Sport. An installer did it for about $20.00 extra...

i was trying to avoid an installation cost... I'm gonna counter the high powered 6x9's with a sub or 2 in the back... either 1 12" or 2 10"... later on though, no diar hurry now...

Sounds good... I wonder how those speakers sound? :)

i was trying to avoid an installation cost... I'm gonna counter the high powered 6x9's with a sub or 2 in the back... either 1 12" or 2 10"... later on though, no diar hurry now...

As a professional installer, I'll tell you right now Jenson is terrible equipment, if you're gonna spend money get something good - infinity, alpine, pioneer. Secondly, you're better off putting 6 1/2's in your car than 6x9's. 6x9's produce the worst sound curve out of any larger sized speaker. 6 1/2's are the way to go.
