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Stupid question.....


July 8, 2011
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91 Eddie Bauer 4x4
I just recently bought an Explorer, a 91 Eddie Bauer 4x4 and had to replace the fuel pump.I got the skid plate off fine and tank down and now having problems removing the two gas lines to the pump.Is there a special toll for this problem? btw.This is my first Ford and my first 4x4.She needs a lot of small problems fixed but for the price I couldn't turn down.Runs fine and needs paint but want it running at it's best.

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Thanks,I did find that out one was a 5/16 the other 3/8 and was a snap to get off.I am glad I bought these two tools because I usually buy a tool I think I will never need again I always find a use for it again.It sure made the job easier.:exp:

I also replaced the fuel filter with the same line wrench.I think I am going to like these 4x4 toys before it over with.I got all kinds of questions and ideas.:exp:

Sure.I could do both.If you're interested.Thing is when you use the tool the long end goes toward the wide end of the bell(i call it).You push in and pull the line and it's off.I am today going to reinstall the gas tank.:exp:

I tried posting pictures on here but could not find the path to the photos.That's another thing I got to learn.Many websites have the radio button that make it easier to upload pictures.LOL

sorry,5/16TH & 3/8|GRP2083_____

These are the ones I bought.They not only are for fuel lines but air cond. lines and work on many makes,Dodge,Ford,Gm but just a few.I do most all my small repairs on my 95 GMC 2wd truck and never fails when I am in the middle of repairs run into a tool I do not have.I had to also buy a small set of metric tools since I found out the Ford,as well as my GMC have mixed with both.I am most sure I used a 5/16 on the fuel filter.You can buy cheaper tools for this application, one I took back because it had like four sizes shaped like an x but it was $30.00.I got a refund for this one which was to uncomfortable to use.there are others out there.I didn't want to research all over the web.I had a short time to do this.

I got a new question.I want to body lift mine as well as suspension lift to use 31x12.5's with 15" rims.What is the ideal body lift with a 4" lift I could use for this size tires without them scrubbing the fenders or wheel wells?This all is unfamiliar territory for me.I didn't want to go to extreme 4x4 because the bigger the tires the more $$$$.I plan on going to Black steel rims in 15'" size.

New Question....

I plan on going to 31X12.5 tires.I want to do a body lift as well as a 4" lift.What is the ideal set up for these size tires?I don't want the tires to look to small in the wheel wells but yet fill it up without scrubbing the fenders or wheel wells and do not want to cut the fenders either.Would a 3" body with a 4" suspension work?

Thanks a lot for the welcome.I am sure I will find out a lot of useful information in your links posted.I am also glad to finally have a 4x4.My dream has come true.Can't wait to get into some trails and mud.:)
