Subwoofer going wonky | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Subwoofer going wonky


June 8, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
McKinney, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Sport Trac
I have an '08 XLT with the factory subwoofer installed. Have had it for a little over 3 months with absolutely no problems yet.

Get in this morning, turn on the radio, and the subwoofer is making a pulsing sound big time. Can't hear the radio over the sub's noise.

Did a search and can't find anything about the sub going south so soon.

Not a big car audio person, so I'm open to suggestions (and yes I'll take it to the dealer next week).

I'll unplug it over the weekend, but just thought someone may have an idea.

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Found the problem - rain

Cab has two leaks in it. :( Both coming from the back rear quarter area. Looks to be right under where the seam is in the roof.

Sub gets wet, starts acting up.

What car in 2009 "leaks"? That's crazy. :rolleyes:

Found the problem - rain

Cab has two leaks in it. :( Both coming from the back rear quarter area. Looks to be right under where the seam is in the roof.

Sub gets wet, starts acting up.

What car in 2009 "leaks"? That's crazy. :rolleyes:

Off to do a search.

Just took my 3rd brake light off on mine and noticed there were water marks in there on the top of the liner. My sub did that for a minute a few months back but never did it again.

I expect there to be a recall on the trucks for the seal on the 3rd brake light. A few members here have reported leaks.
