Subwoofer in a Sport Trac! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Subwoofer in a Sport Trac!


Well-Known Member
January 11, 2008
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2009 STA White Suede
Whats up guys, i'm just looking for some advice on subwoofer setup for my Sport Trac. I don't know squat when it comes to brand names and quality and/or what's better which is why i'm here. I'm on a very tight budget so it's very important for me to get the best bang for the buck here. I already have a Pioneer Avic N1 and Alpine amplifier and speakers. So far this is what i've come up with

MTX Thunderform 10" Sub

For $240 it looks like it's a descent deal, i can either get their specific amplifier for another $130 for a total of $370 or find another amp that is cheaper that is of the same quality?

If you guys think that combo is ****, which i thought you guys might, my next option for enclosures are either with 5.25" mounting depth

or with 5.5" mounting depth.

And from here this is where i fail to know what a good amp and sub setup would be. The cheaper the better, basically i'm wondering if there are better quality components that will outperform the MTX setup for cheaper.

Let me know what you guys think, Thanks alot!

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MTX makes some quality stuff. You can't go wrong with them. If you can afford the enclosure that you found, I say go for it and pick up their amp.


It looks like the Hifi connection does not sell the specific MTX specific amp to with the Thunderform, maybe they do but read on. After reading the fine print on the Spec Pagefor the MTX setup it says they amp they would include a 200W Class D amp, lower on the very same page they say the impedance for the sub is 4 ohm (on un-amplified models only ). I'm guessing they're pairing it with a 2 ohm amp, so whether or not i should be so concerned with whether its 2 or 4 ohm i've found this amp at hifi $120.

Kicker ZX400.1 ZX Amp 400 Watt Class D Amplifier

It says it can handle 200W at 4 ohm, 400 at 2 ohm.

So is this amp good enough for my setup?

Do i need to be concerned with 2 ohm vs. 4 ohm ?

Thanks for the help guys i appreciate it.

The sub is the mtx box is a 4ohm sub. Now MTX does not include a amp. It is built in to the box if you choose the amplified one. As their spec say the "encluded" amp puts out 200 watts. If you choose the non-amplified one and hook it up to the kicker zx400.1, it will also put out 200 watts. So it is coin flip over which way to go. What do you have planned for the rest of the system. I mean are you going to install new door speakers and a new head unit? Or are you just going to add the sub. If you are going to just install the sub, then if I were you I would buy an amplified MTX. If you are going to have a amp for the door speakers then I would buy the non-amplified box. It will hard to find a sub/box/amp combo that will out perform the MTX AND be cheaper

I mentioned before that i already have a head unit a Pionner AVIC N1 and Alpine speakers and Alpine amplifier, this stuff is already installed. So i am simply looking to add a subwoofer to my current setup.

Regarding the specs, it appeared as though their included amplifier would not run at 4 ohm, because it said the the sub would run at 4 ohm on un-amplified models only. Whether or not this is true i am not sure, regardless it looks like on the Amplified models they include the wiring harness necessary so it seems like the easiest way to go.

Thanks for the help guys.

Sorry, I missed that you had a new HU etc. I would say that if the amplified unit is in you budget. It will be the easiest way to go. I hope it turns out well. And if you have not heard it before "Post some pictures" when you get it done.

MTX is overpriced IMO....I'd get a box then a better 10 inch subwoofer than the weak 4500 series...I've heard em. They aren't all that good. I'd get atleast a 5500 series sub if you do go with MTX.

There are MANY other better options out there than besides MTX subs.

Well that is exactly why i posted here to find out, but telling me there are numerous options that are better than the mtx subs doesn't help me. If you could please list some sub and amp combinations that would be better, please do. I am all ears, as i have very little knowledge of what subwoofers are good or not.

The other enclosure has 5.5" of depth and cost $89 , so let me this point it the total needs to be under $350 as i can get the MTX setup for $370 with wiring. included.

i did a similar set up in my X for about 220
found a brand new box on ebay, kenwood sub, and pyramid amp
all realitivley cheap sounds good too

I think the Kv.2 is a little more efficient than the Dayton...not sure though

I think the Kv.2 is a little more efficient than the Dayton...not sure though

I'm not sure either. They're rated differently, and I never had both at once to compare. I know you don't need much power for either one.

anyone ordered one of those Sport Trac specific Boxes? which place?

are they good quality or cheap crap??

I would recomend not buying anything from hifi sound connection. I ordered a distribution block from them cause nobody else had the same one and it showed up in an old mtx sub box and NO PACKING whatsoever.

But the block does work fine.

I deffinately recommend the aforementioned

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