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Superlift installation

John Doe

Active Member
November 1, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Dayton, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 EB
Anyone in the Ohio area that knows how to install a 5.5" Superlift suspension lift like to help me out on installing one for a smaller fee than the 600 bucks the stores want for the job? I dont have the slightest idea on how to install them, and I definitely don't have the 500-600 bucks to spend on installation. If anyone might be interested send me an e-mail. Thanks.


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I don't live in Ohio, but thought I would give you my .02 in.
I did mine this summer mostly by myself and it wasn't all that bad.
If you are mechanically inclined, then you won't have much trouble. The biggest thing is cutting out the rivits off of the stock brackets. What I did was to cut them with a wheel grinder. (like a X or a +) then took the air chisal and knocked them off. Just plan a whole weekend and if you get done early then you won't think you spent more time then you should. The directions are pretty good also.
Good Luck!!!!!


As someone who had more or less hardly any mechanical experience I myself took about a full week plus two days to get mine done. I started on a Friday evenening. Ended on the next Sunday after the whole week had passed. This was working on it all weekend long and then in the evenings every day of the week. Then all day on Saturday and Sunday again. Fun fun... :) However the key is to just be patient with yourself and your rig and you will get it done. As of right now after helping with two more lifts I could probably get it done in 1-1/2 days. Heck I can rip out most of my front end in less then two hours now. :) But anyways the rivets are the killer part. Do like Perry said, thats sorta what I did. Execpt I was not able to punch them out, I ended up drilling out most of them. Some of them punched but not all. Just be VERY prepared to spend a lot of time getting mad at those darned rivets! LOL

Perry try writting your message in word or whatever word proceser you have then copying it over here after you spell check it over there. I know its another step but you can run spell check that way.

Thanks for the tip on the spell check. I guess most people here don't really care if you get it spelled right. LOL

superlift install

Hey guys i have the superlift 5.5" drop brackets with national 6.5" coils and you're right the worst part of the installation is the rivets, they had me held up for more than a week , cause the damn rivets were so stubborn. And it's not like i'm a newbie cause i can tear down the front enough to swap a shock and add a coil spacer in an hour. Here is the trick i used, i tries the cutoff wheel x and then ground flat, and tried to hammer, then AIR hammer them out and no luck, so i tried drilling them out, still limited luck and very tedius, then (here's the trick) i got my hi lift jack- you do have one for the trail right, right... anyway i laid on the ground under the truck with the jack on my chest, hooked the top of the jack on the offending pivot bracket, and the bottom of the jack on the existing transmission crossmember, with the handle sticking out the passengers side, although the drivers side may have worked better i don't know, anyway i jacked it one notch till it was tight then got out from underneath and very slowly , carefully jacked till it popped the bracket right out of the rivets, they were very easy to knock out with a hammer after that. hope this is of some help. some people have said they had no trouble there at all and others curse the very word rivet. it held me up for a while, i'm glad i hadn't removed the oem crossmember to build the custom one yet.

good luck

