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Sweet junk yard find.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 sport
Went today to find some stuff to add to my friends garage in his new hose and in the back of a trunk i found a box full junk and found a MACK bulldog i shoved it to the bottom and paid $5 for the hole box. Not going to put it on the hood b/c i know someone will ripe it off or mess the hood up trying to but i think it might go on the dash or some wear inside .



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Forgive my ignorance, but are those the hood ornaments off of old school Mack trucks?

Use it for a shifter knob:thumbsup:

nice bulldog

That's freakin sweet! I never noticed those bulldogs had that much detail.

^ If i had a stick shift i would I don't think it look to good on the column shifter might try it to see tho.

It may not look good but it will look funny with the rod going up its butt!!!:eek:

Sweet find!

Put it on a chain and hang it around your neck. That'll be redneck *****in'!!
