tachometer sticks at 1200 sometimes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tachometer sticks at 1200 sometimes


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 v8
In a 97 U55 when I start it tachometer goes to 1200 rpm I know it is hair above 900, tach then drops sometimes. When I drive it 2000 ish rpm at the same speed my U35 is at 2600, same gearing.

tach it self commonly?

The tach on my '96 either works or doesn't work, most of the time it doesn't. I believe there is a circuit board behind tach and the soldier points may have become loose.

I have had more than one Ford tach from this era have similar failures. I never had any luck finding bad solder joints, just replaced the entire instrument bezel with one with similar miles.
