Tbars swaps his Ranger 7.5 for an Explorer 8.8. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tbars swaps his Ranger 7.5 for an Explorer 8.8.


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...Ranger stats were, 95 std cab, 2.3L, 4x4, Hybrid Dana 35, 7.5, 4.10's open front and rear...I swapped in a 93 Explorer, 8.8, w/drums, 4.10 gear set, and a Detroit locker already installed...

..For info on how I did the Hybrid swap or "How To" swap the front pumpkin (post #5), go to this thread...

...This is the new beast...It came out o 90ranajo's old Ranger so, it already had the spring perches on top and, the 1" blocks welded to them...This let me ditch the stock Ranger 2-1/2" blocks...

...This is the old stock 7.5 that was to be removed...

...After getting it jacked up and removing the shocks...

...On my Ranger's 7.5, you can see it came with a brake line into the distribution block that was non removable...I also noticed that the nuts on the 2 rear brake lines were different sizes...


...This is the Rear ABS sensor on the 7.5...

...These are a couple pics from the drivers side to show lines, sway bar, etc...


...This is from the passenger side after dropping the drive shaft...

...After Having a couple jack stands in place, then having both wheels removed, you will notice I used two jacks to support the rear axle...

...Another shot from the passenger side...About this time my buddy came over and asked what was broke..:scratch:..."There is something wrong for that rear end to droop that much"...:D

...Now this is the distribution block on top of the 8.8...Notice that the main line coming in is removed and, the nuts on these brake lines were the same size...I pulled this block and kept it in case I needed it in the swap..


...Here, the brake lines and sway bar are disconnected from the 7.5...

...Since the 7.5 tube is 3" wide and the 8.8 tube is 3-1/4" wide, I had to use the 8.8 Explorer plates and u-bolts...Now the plates shown are stock but have been cosmetically modified, and the U bolts were ordered items..

...The plate on the let is a ranger 7.5 while the plate on the right is an Explorer 8.8...

...This picture shows how the parking brake cable comes into the drum on the 8.8...The PB cables on the 8.8 were cut for easy removal...I rmoved these and plugged in the stock Ranger PB cables...It was that easy...


...After moving the 8.8 into place, connecting the brake lines, plugging in the ABS sensor, and re-attaching the 7.5 sway bar...

...After all was said and done, I thought I was in the clear, until I tried putting the stock wheels on the 8.8 axle...I know these axles/wheels are hubcentric and I did not have to do any modifying but, I found the fitment of the wheels a lot more snug than what they were on the 7.5...:dunno:


...Time to do this swap while taking my time and using all hand tools, taking pictures, and answering calls, about 4 1/2 hrs...

...The brake lines/block issue with the nuts being different sizes must have been something from the manuf.'s original build...It turned out that the threading was in fact the same...

...The rear ABS sensor and the plug are the same on both the Ranger 7.5 and the Explorer 8.8...

...The 93-97 Ranger 7.5 axle measures approx. 72" between backing plates while the Explorer 8.8 measures approx. 73"...That is only a 1" difference...On older Rangers, their measurement is approx. 70" wide at the backing plates...That would be a 3" difference and would run into some modifying...

...and yes, I was able to re-install the stock 7.5 anti-sway bar onto the 8.8...I had to flip the bottom bracket on the pass side but, it worked out fine..

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Title needs fixing or a spell Checker :D

...:scratch:...I don't see it, fill me in...:dunno:

it's fixed now :scratch:

Looks just like what I did a few years ago!

That looks like a lot of rust for Kali trucks - or is it just dirt?

ahh just alittle dirt. When play rough with our toys and put em away Wet. ;)

...It actually has some rust on it..The truck it was from also spent a lot of time in the northern states...

...Before that, this 8.8 was...:shifty_ey ...under TDavis's Navajo...

...It actually has some rust on it..The truck it was from also spent a lot of time in the northern states...

...Before that, this 8.8 was...:shifty_ey ...under TDavis's Navajo...

Nebraska, for 5 years.

Ice Belt state.

and that truck spent a lot of time laying on it's back...and his parts have a history of going on other trucks and them make them tip over as well.

I've got my fingers crossed the motor I got that started life in his Navajo doesn't want to go upside down.

Nebraska, for 5 years.

Ice Belt state.
Actually that 8.8" is from Kevin's old "Green Mistress". The Detroit, however, is from Tom's Navajo. Tom's 8.8" is under Kevin's.

But that axle has still gotten around. But it does have Washington mud, South Dakota top soil, California sand & Utah red rock with a splash of surface rust for color.

...Built Ford Tough...No wonder everyone wants these 8.8's...Look at the cast of characters on this Forum who have had parts move thru 3-4-5 trucks, and they are still going strong...:salute:

...and...:shifty_ey...It is only filled with good luck now...:D

...Built Ford Tough...No wonder everyone wants these 8.8's...Look at the cast of characters on this Forum who have had parts move thru 3-4-5 trucks, and they are still going strong...:salute:

Sounds like some women I know - oops, wrong forum :confused:

Yea, the old Ho ended being parts all over the place..

Looks like the cover too.

That cover is made by TA Performance as are all other rear end girdles (Jegs, SVO). They just engrave a different logo.

...I originally was not going to add this thread..I am now glad I did...

..I got to learn some history about the parts that I may have never known...Thanks guys...:biggthump

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...I originally was not going to add this thread..I am now glad I did...

..I got to learn some history about the parts that I may have never known...Thanks guys...:biggthump

Just don't be surprised if your truck has a sudden urge to tip over..
