Tell me about my '06 AWD system | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tell me about my '06 AWD system


Explorer Addict
February 11, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Canton, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Mercury Mountaineer
Most of the stickies here are prior to '06. I can't find much more detail elsewhere either.

Tell me about my Mountaineer's AWD system. I'm pretty sure I have open differentials front and rear (?), but what do I have as far as a center diff? For that matter, do I have a transfer case at all, or is that only on the Explorer's selectable systems. Mine has no buttons/selecting at all (which is fine, I won't be offroading). Does that mean the center diff is standalone, or is it simply the same size transfer case, with less "stuff" inside? Or is the center diff (of whatever type) a smaller, stand-alone unit? I've also heard of "Power Transfer Units". Is that something different?

Again, I've poked around here, and looked around at "How Stuff Works", Wikipedia, etc, and still am not sure what hardware I have.

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I don't know the 3rd gen 'no buttons/switches/levers' AWD system, but I'll give you a bump.

Someone will come along that knows.

My '97 Ex had AWD with no selection abilities, but my gen 3 '02 Ex has the switches.

I have a '04 AWD, not sure its 100% the same as the '06, but they operate essentially the same. .

Yes you will have a transfer case most likely a Borg Warner 4410, very similar to a Borg Warner 4404. The BW4411 (dash switches) uses a electric motor instead of a viscous clutch to activate the 4wd, it just shift in/out of 4wd as needed.

They both use something called a Viscous Clutch and center differential.

good write up on all of them

With the tow package and V8 check your door axle code, (most likely) if its a D3 or D4 it will be a limited slip variety and 3.73 gears. If its the axle code is 45 then its 3.55's open; 46 3.73's open.

hopefully this will get you started.

I know that '06 and later V8 models get the standard 6-speed (required in my search). The 6-speed eliminates the need for the 3.73 axle gear in the tow package. V8 with tow package simply adds the larger 2" hitch and an aux trans cooler. V6/5-speeds still get the 3.73 with the tow package.

But I'll check for my axle code tonight. Thanks!

Hey, Brakeman! Glad you made it over here!!

IIRC, you should be able to access the factory service manuals at work... They have LOTS of details on the inner working in the transmission section of the FSM. shoot me a PM if you need the link... :)
