temporary disable back up alarm | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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temporary disable back up alarm


March 23, 2015
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Ford Explorer Lmtd
I looked through the options but didn't really see anything. Is there a way to disable the back alarm audible, while using a trailer? I used a trailer today fro some yard work and the audible is most annoying when a trailer is attached as it thinks impact is imminent.

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Duct Tape!

Is there not a button on the dash like on the older models?

Here's the off switch from a 2013 escape... I'd assume the explorer has one too...


Is there not a button on the dash like on the older models?

Here's the off switch from a 2013 escape... I'd assume the explorer has one too...


Ahhh. There is a menu on the main dash with the option to turn off the park assist. Didn't even register that's what I needed to do.

On my 2011 a box will pop up in the left screen when I shift to reverse with a trailer and it starts beeping, it lets you kill the warning with the steering wheel button.
