Thanks for all the help so far | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thanks for all the help so far


New Member
September 10, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Nassau Bay, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT

I bought a 2000 4 door explorer XLT 2WD about a month ago that needed a some TLC. It has been well maintained and has a few nice options like leather seats, duel power seats, and rear air. This site has been such a huge help on fixing it up. It started by searching the internet on fixing the hole in center console lid and went on from there. Here is a list of items that I have done so far (most of the repairs were done with help from this site):

- A lot of cleaning inside and out.
- Replaced the the left rear interior door handle.
- Replaced a broken fog light.
- Replaced the missing right front grab handle.
- Replaced the center console lid cover using the kit off of ebay.
- Had the leather driver seat bottom redone.
- Prepped and repainted the roof rack.
- Fixed the rear wiper so it clears the entire back glass.
- Replaced the torn up cup holder and upper piece of the center console.
- Replaced the front door panels. Previous owner used some type of chemical that bleached them out.
- Replaced the battery.
- Installed a bug shield and window vents.
- Installed a new head unit, door speakers, and sub.

I plan on replacing the shocks, tires and tinting the front windows in the near future.


Welcome jonny!

Glad we could be of cyberassistance! :)
