The A pillar is not the problem, see invoice | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The A pillar is not the problem, see invoice


Well-Known Member
August 31, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Limited 4x4
I had the A pillar fix done and it did not cure the buzzing/humming sound that materializes at freeway speeds. After extensive testing by the crew at South Bay Ford in Torrance, CA, this is how they fixed it. It was that large plastic cowl that runs the length of the bottom of the windshield. Hope this helps.


thanks i think this is my problem.... also..... they replaced the A pillar cover 2 times with the noise still there.

This one did the trick for me. Test it by taping down the cowl and hoping on the freeway.

I had that same buzzing in my 2005 Freestar - and they used ELECTRICAL tape to fix it. I'm not kidding - I thought it was insane.

But then they did all kinds of "interesting" fixes on that van - I'm glad they're actually *fixing* the Ex's and that it was effective for you.
