The infamous bird chirping sound....but different circumstances.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The infamous bird chirping sound....but different circumstances..


New Member
March 19, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Sport
I searched the bird chirping problems, and it seems most threads aren't the same. I don't get it during cold weather....I get it when its warm, and it doesn't go away so long as your foot is on the pedal. Last weekend I made a 140 mile trip. It seems to start chirping around 1900 RPM's. It's pretty annoying. I'm thinking it might be associated with the water pump....but I'm far from a mechanic. Any ideas are appreciated

Really if it was the water pump you would hear it all the time and not just above a certain RPM and heat temperature. I had to just replace one on a 2002 Altima. Dealership told the woman that they toped off all the fluids.....lets just say they didn't and the first freeze up here bound the pump right up and froze the pulley solid. She didn't make it far and blew the belt off

Mine chirps like a canary at low revs,I found it's the drive belt,if yu spray it with polish,the chirp goes-for a few days!I must remember to change it...
