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The Oreo Thread...

Joe Dirt

Explorer Addict
October 4, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 Camry
Ok, so we had gotten a dog about 3 months ago, and I don't know if I ever posted anything up or not...

So, here is Oreo.

He's 7 months old now, he was rescued... He's a Lab-Husky mix, and chews everything. This is us moving some more stuff last weekend.


Today was Neutering day. He never suspected a thing, until we got close to the vet. That was when I told him what they were doing, and got this look.

"Wait- they're going to do what to me?!?!?"


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Poor little bugger, you can just see whats going through his mind.

Oreo: "Dad, what do you mean theyre going to cut my nuts off?"

Joe: "It'll be alright mate, this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you":D

Beautiful pup mate!!!:):thumbsup:

Good looking dog Joe. Have you started training him on how to use the DA yet? :p:

No longer in Grand Rapids, MI

So where are you storing your cleaning supplies these days? :dunno:

I felt bad last night, I was trying to get him from the house (old) into the car to go back to the other house (new) and he knows that he always sits down until his leash is on.

Oreo Sit.
<sits until he's about an inch off the ground>
Oreo. Sit!
<Got the Lab eyes>

Then I remembered- wait- you can't sit... Oops!

Rondo- moving to Holland. The city, not the country. :)

poor dog.. Taking away his manhood.. How could you :D

I know- I thought about getting him a pink shirt afterwards.

Wait- that was awkward... :D

I thought that this was going to be a thread about cookies, then no, and then cookie cutting. You made the right choice.

Rondo- moving to Holland. The city, not the country. :)

Closer to the lake. Does Oreo like to go swimming?

I've heard of dipping Oreo's in milk, but not water. Be sure to let us know this works out. :smoke:

He's already in there... ;)


Man- I didn't realize how much he's grown... Wow...



Holy crap! He's growing like a weed. Pretty soon he'll be an eating & crapping machine.

He already is... lol!

hey joe where u living at now

Holland, MI... About 25 miles west of Grand Rapids

I'm going to miss that fire hydrant :D

i have some friends in michigan like holland and battle creek and macoumb county and lansing and detroit

come on joe. admit it. you were watching him one! yea, cleaning his self and said "THATS IT!! if i can't do it, neither can he anymore!"

great dog joe. that will be your best buddy forever.

great dog joe. that will be your best buddy forever.

Not mine... ;)


I did show him where the magic erasers are. It would be more entertaining to watch... lol!

In other Oreo news, he got to experience his first snowfall this morning


And last night he went off the cute meter with the stuffed bear the vet gave him as a payoff for not complaining when he got fixed the other day. lol!


Love that last pic mate!!!

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I'm not making this up- he finds, carries over, then sleeps with his bear... Tonight:

