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The rig gets some much needed TLC

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Wow thats and awsome freakin cage.. Good work..

Finally figured out what I should have done in the first place and picked up this freshly machined sexy beast yesterday as a bday present to myself. 4-bolt main, block bored .030 over and crank .010. Got it for a hair over what it would have been to machine that other POS. Gotta start ordering parts now!


Some minor cage updates in between working on the ranger...

D-pillar plating


I have a lead on some triple bypass Kings in the area...should have them pretty soon:cool:

So i've been wondering recently and figured this is as good a place to ask as the plating from the cage to the sheet metal pillars to prevent the cab from crushing in in a rollover? It doesn't seem like it would be strong enough, and if that's the case then it would seem to just make the removal of the damaged cab to replace it with a fresh body more difficult. Or is it to lessen the flexing of the body during normal driving and thus minimizing creaking and such noise? Also, does it depend on whether the body is solid mounted or not? Lots of questions, i know.

I'm not speaking outloud for Josh, but in my design (windshield) the idea was to keep the form if I rolled or even tipped into a rock or tree. It's some pretty healthy reinforcement that's an ounce of prevention. I was wanting to do exactly what he did on the rear and still plan on it. It just takes my guy forever so I may try to do it myself.

Josh, cage is looking great. Is this an optical illusion or is the wheel well on the right going back further? I'm sure if for the fuel filler.

And can you answer leaves or links in the rear, I don't want to go all the way through the thread. Any thoughts about moving the rear axle back a bit? It would be good for 1) a little longer wheelbase 2) little less rear overhang (every explorer always is dragging rear bumper.
*edit- I see 1st post says Deavers, but that was like 6 years ago LOL. I accidently mounted my leaves backwards once and the rear axle was pushed back about 2-3", not sure if that screws up the ride but just a thought.

Woah guys sorry I haven't visited this thread for a while!!! Been busy working on other people's stuff to work on my POS haha.

Thanks for the props Dannyboy. The idea behind plating the body to the cage is to unify the structure so that the body isn't flexing around the cage/frame. For starters it will be noisy and tend to rip apart the body. Plating the body in a bunch of spots makes for a more rigid structure. This thing isn't a show truck and putting a new body on it would be a major ordeal with how many spots the cage will go through to the frame and firewall, etc.

Yes the rear wheelwells are different lengths. At the time it was to accomodate the fuel filler. It was my first welding/fab project so it wasn't the most well thought out in process or execution. If I did it over I would make symetrical round ones, bead rolled and all that jazz, but as it sits they are in there and it was a PITA so I'm just gonna leave em, even though I'm not all that pround of them. I plan on plating the horizontal tubes between the D and B Pillars to the wheelwells with dimple dies after the rear shock hoops are in so it will look a bit more presentable.

There will be a fuel cell sub-mounted in the floor behind the rear axle, and the fuel filler hose will come up to an aluminum panel that will replace the rear driver's side window.

I tore some goodies off a buddies 80' Bronco last week. Just picked up the rear axle from getting a friend to sandblast it this morning. I will truss it and put new spring under perches. I am planning on removing all the D35 stuff, throwing my attempt at custom beams in the garbage and building new brackets to accomodate the D44 TTB and notch the frame and see what happens! Wish me luck lol. All I'm lacking right now to go forward is an NV4500 trans, which are hard to find used.

I'm going to hack off all the front shock hoops I built and build all new stuff the right way too. Sorry for the long post but it's been a while!!:D


I plan on sticking with my Deavers instead of linking it. This thing is going to be a fun truck with an ultimate goal somewhere far down the line of being a badass chase truck for a future race truck that I will build. I never got a hold of those bypasses but I will get my hands on some one of these days. It should be pretty capable with deavers, bypasses and 2.5x4 bumps :) Hopefully a bigass fuel cell mounted far back will help it from endo'n

I know you've been working on this...

Actually about to go down and work on this thing for the first time in a while...gonna hack off the front end lol. I will post pics sometime soon.

There is a special surprise showing up for the exploder hopefully monday;):thumbsup:

Well I got the front end up on jackstands once again and cut the shock hoops off. Still have to grind some crap off this weekend but the new Dewalt 7" grinder makes life a little easier. Soon the beams/steering will come off to clear the way for the D44.

This baby finally showed up:D:D:D:D:chug: Almost lost it trying to unload from the pickup lol...HEAVY!:eek:

Rebuilt Dodge NV4500, Chevy bellhousing, Atlas tailhousing, 28 spline input shaft and new shifter. A big step towards having a drivetrain! Time to cut a huge hole in the firewall I suppose...

When does the Atlas show up? You still working in the shop full-time?

Damn, Josh....Lookin' like all that Chico Rebel Fab paid off. Good looking Rig!

Thanks mike. Nah Johnny finally got a real job again so no more fulltime in the shop. It sure was a fun summer tho. The atlas is gonna be a little while yet, gotta save up!

just read all 6 pages.....SUBSCRIBING! wish i could've subscribed sooner!!!!!!!!!

just read all 6 pages.....SUBSCRIBING! wish i could've subscribed sooner!!!!!!!!!

Me too :D
When are you gonna start assembling that engine?
Would like to see pictures as you go along.

Welcome to the thread :D engine assembly won't be taking place for a while yet, I still have a lot of parts to collect for that. When that happens there will be lots of pics! I will be using the first POS 350 I bought for a mockup motor to build the suspension and motor mounts around. Reassembly of the mockup might happen this weekend but there won't be any internals just heads, intake, maybe headers. Man now I'm gettin excited! :D

You have great fab skills, have you considered paint and interior coating yet?
Something like Rhino Liner might be good for the interior. And I would paint the truck Ferrari Red, everyone knows that makes it go faster. :D

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