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the X so far


Did the swaybar end links Sunday and it was a pretty straight forward prosess I had to cut the old ones out but my only trouble was I couldn't get the two center bushings & washers in w the sleeve I couldn't get the sway bar to lift up any or the wheel to drop so I just compressed one of the bushings in my vise but what is the best way to do it instead for future reference

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Tie Rod Boot

Loks like you need a new inner tie rod boot/baffle. Also may need a new inner tie rod as well depending on how long that's been like that. Hopefully no moisture has gotten into the rack.

I just did that Sunday my grinder wheel broke and it hopped ill patch it

Ok so I've searched and seen the threads about tire size and what needs to be done but they vary a bit
So I just picked up a set of 32x11.5x15 and I finally ordered my frame to shackle bushings so ill be installing my wars and doin the TT
How much trimming is going to be required to fit the tires? I plan on keeping the stock Tupperware is it just the inner fender wells I will need to trim?? If someone has pics of the amount that needs to be. Cut or a thread I missed need advise ASAP thanks

I think you will be fine in the rear, up front you may need to trim the inside lip of the bumper so you dont hit it while turning, my brothers 97 has 31x10.5 s and dosnt hit, he has the old style bumper my sport has a 2000 bumper and i had to trim a very small amount, I'll get you some pics in a few,

Sounds great I'd appreciate

First pic is what I had to cut off the front bumper on my sport ,no lift and the second pic is my brothers truck also no lift, both have 31x10.5 bfg ats , I think with a little lift you will be fine with 32s, oh both have Monroe coil overs but my brother got his tires on before his shocks


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Awesome that's what I figured I'd have to cut thanks for the pics dude

haha, don't worry about that tie-rod boot...."moisture"..??? lmaoo

nothing will come of this


haha, don't worry about that tie-rod boot...."moisture"..??? lmaoo

nothing will come of this

Some Master Technician.

You would leave that like that if such a torn boot came through your shop, costing the customer a more expensive repair down the road?

Theres something to be said for not performing petty labor on a 13 year old vehicle, but a hole such as that could eventually cause damage to the steering rack if left untouched. If nothing would come of a hole being there, Ford wouldn't have used a boot at all, because who knows anything about that strange phenomenon ""moisture""? Certainly no other car manufacturer has used such a menial boot.

ive seen cars go YEARS without any boot AT ALL!!!
god forbud any "moisture" gets in there...hahaha

so yea, some master tech yadayadayada.

haha whatever


I wrappe it in electrical tape good to go till spring when I replace the tie rods


Just got me new shackle to frame bushings today look great can't wait to install so I can finally slap on the wars I've had ready for months



Finally got them on

Great looking truck man! Love the color of that blue

Thanks man I really appreciate it
That's a stock color wedge wood blue its called
I ended up Fallin in love w the color myself

Thanks man I really appreciate it
That's a stock color wedge wood blue its called
I ended up Fallin in love w the color myself

Definitely looks real good, so question what running lights on top did you use?

They were a kit for a full size pick up I got them at a yard sale awhile back and figured why not bit you can get them online in different shapes and sizes mine were solid chrome and amber lense I just spray painted the chrome and uses VHT night shades spray on the amber

They were a kit for a full size pick up I got them at a yard sale awhile back and figured why not bit you can get them online in different shapes and sizes mine were solid chrome and amber lense I just spray painted the chrome and uses VHT night shades spray on the amber

Ooh okay well they look really cool I think I might have to get some for mine:)

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So I'm gettin 33"s today and I don't plan on regearing till the spring
I'm just going to add a trans cooler

Do my question is what is the best choice for the cooler and ideal location
