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This forum scares me to death

Another thought, this is a Help Forum as well. People post here to ask for help & help others. This provides the full spectrum of issues with these trucks.
I will tell you one thing, the 1st & 2nd gen's are the real trucks.

Other Vehicle Forums have their own issues that could scare you as well.

Keep in mind, trucks are mechanical & they eventually break, but come here & get some help!

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Better to get your help here, amongst people who know Explorers inside and out, and have probably had the same dilemma, then to try and handle it on your own, or worse...

pay a mechanic to do it for you...

Great, now I'm afraid too...Thanks for that :D

itsmore than problems..its knowledge! tricks short cuts n other usufull info that the ppl @ ford dont want u to know about. say what u want but this forum is wonderful n been nothing but good....n i still love my X nits reliabilty......

Go to any mechanic and ask them about any car. They will tell you all about the problems that specific car has. Why? Because that is all they deal with...problems.

This site does deal with problems, yes. But it also has great pictures and posts of member's rides, mod's, builds and audio installs.

I only aquired my Explorer lately, but the one thing I notice about all the Explorers I see on the road (and I see lots) is that they are all taken very good care of and are in great shape.

proof explorer's are the sh*t: My x has 215,*** miles on stock tranny and the tranny is just now going out and I am getting it replaced and installed for 1k, other than that they are extremely fun to drive and if you get to know these guys...they are gods when it comes to explorer will know exactly what to look for if something does break.

Like I said I'm pushing 215,**+ and I have pushed it hard, I've taken it places I never would have thought it could go and honestly if it does die, I'll buy another the next day, these things are reliable as hell!
