Those Who Trailer There X Please Speak! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Those Who Trailer There X Please Speak!


Axle Annihilator!
March 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Arlington, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 4x4 Explorer
Well I have found a trailer, two actually bothh are 7ft by 16ft dual axle car haulers. One has trailer brakes at a cost of $1500 the other has no trailer brakes at $1100. My main question is do I really need the trailer brakes? For all you who trailer your vehicles I would like to hear your opinion and would really appreciate it.:cool:

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Well what's the tow vehicle? I'd generally suggest the brakes... The more stopping power the better. Not to mention if the trailer starts to sway, with a brake controller, you can control that. Come the day i get my own trailer, it's gonna have brakes.


Is a 4x4 F-150 2003 with 5.4L engine with payload and towing package with a 3/4 ton rear axle 10.25 sterling. Rated to tow 15,000 lbs.

For sure get the trailer brakes. Some states it is the law. I towed the 96X on a tandem axle big tex car hauler. I'd guess the weight to be around 2000# trailer and 4500# X. Without brakes that is a accident waiting to happen.

I was towing with a Grand Cherokee. Your vehicle will be alot better but be safe and get the brakes.

Just posting to get it up at the top of the list so I can get all the input possible before my purchase.

Get the brakes with that kinda tow rig... Simple as that.

I towed my ex with

1. A dolly---NOT suggested !!! scarey ride and no brakes on the turnpike...

2. tried out a Uhaul trailer without brakes.....again I got out of the Uhaul driveway without the explorer on the trailer yet and turned around.....the amount of sway was terrifying....I could just imagine my explorer going the way of the trailer and it was to say the least....that daydream was scarey....

3. trailer with brakes from Uhaul was great until I got about 2 miles from where I was going....(the damn idiot at the Uhaul installed the ball on the hitch upside down).... this was the second time I towed my ex and it was a breeze all the way....eerr once I got the tow hitch ball squared away..... the amount of sway is wayyyy less with a braking system on the trailer..

I tow mine with a 1996 Bronco ....351...



Originally posted by Msupertek
Is a 4x4 F-150 2003 with 5.4L engine with payload and towing package with a 3/4 ton rear axle 10.25 sterling. Rated to tow 15,000 lbs.
:eek: Oh my god that sounds like a nice truck :D You have any pictures of it?

Get the brakes! Think how far a 6000+lbs trailer and vehicle will push your tow vehicle before you could stop. No brakes on the trailer is asking too much from the tow vehicles brake system. The $400 dollar difference is worth the peace of mind.;)

Get the brakes now since it's a pain to install brakes later. I didn't have fun pulling a Mustang with my Mountaineer because of the lack of trailer brakes and load support at the time. Although I'm wired for brakes now, I haven't bought the brake controller since I haven't needed to pull a car in a couple of years.

Well I guess that sums it up!

I will definitely get the brakes. Thank all of you for you input.:D

Yea definately get the brakes. I have pulled cars on trailers without them and it isn't fun. Plus it's required ny law around here at least for over a certain weight.
