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Thumping Front end


Active Member
October 3, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pensacola, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer V8
I've had this thumping noise(like a flat tire noise) in front end for a few months and its driving me INSANE. it only happens when ur at speeds of 35MPH or more. Ive replaced my ball joints and got my wheel bearings done.. Changed Sway bar links and its still there. Tires are new and balanced. But my rotors are BAD. but why would it cause that kinda noise actually going WITHOUT braking? im getting rid of this truck in Feb and don't really feel like spending the money putting new rotors on this truck. Any idea what it could be? if im going 40MPH down the road and have to slightly turn right the sound kinda fades out if that helps.

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Does it happen when your on the gas or off?. Could be front diff

Bad hubs, Bad CV Axles, Low Gear Oil in front diff. Lots of reasons.

Yeah. im starting to think when they did my wheel bearings they got cheap bearing and they have already wore out that fast.

Yeah. im starting to think when they did my wheel bearings they got cheap bearing and they have already wore out that fast.

It's possible.
One of my front hubs is about 2 years old and the ABS in it has failed. But the hubs still alright.

Just get them checked in case. I think a hub in the states is around $50?
