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Timing Cover - water pump replacement


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD
So while doing some upgrades on Big White (5.0 V8), I am replacing the waterpump (found a brand new OEM Ford Unit) and have the timing cover off. Anything else I should be doing while I have it torn down to this level?


If the engine has any appreciable mileage on it, I’d do the timing set.

Check the timing cover for flatness on a known flat surface. If it isn’t flat, over to you if you want to correct that or try a replacement.

I’d change the crank seal, and check the crank itself for any grooving that could chew up a new seal. Very minor can be polished out, or you can go with a sleeve/seal kit for larger gouges.

New gasket with proper RTV, new bolts. I can’t remember which bolts go into the water jackets (if any), but make sure if some do, that you use the appropriate RTV. I’d use anti-seize on ones that don’t.

This is one of those jobs that benefits from being very **** retentive—attention to detail is a must.
