timing marks off. what will happen if i try starting the truck? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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timing marks off. what will happen if i try starting the truck?


August 15, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Year, Model & Trim Level
white 1989 ranger, 2.3l
89 ranger with 2.3 liter engine. The timing belt broke on my ranger and i installed a new one. I lined up the crankshaft and camshaft marks as best as i could; however, the crankshaft mark is off by less than a tooth. Is that a concern? I was talking to a mechanic and he said the marks had to be dead on and if they weren't the engine would be wrecked if i tried starting it. Also I was told that even if the crankshaft and camshaft marks are lined up, the crankshaft could still be off 180 degrees and the engine would again be wrecked if i tried starting it. I'm lost! Is it ok to try starting it if the crankshaft mark is off less than half a tooth? Ok to try starting the truck if the crankshaft is in the exhaust rather than the compression stroke? Can anyone guide me in the right direction? Was the mechanic just trying to scare me into taking my truck to the shop or was he being truthful?

I finally got the timing marks dead on. The engine started right away; however, there's a loud ticking sound which appears to be coming from the valve cover area. I never noticed that sound before my timing belt broke. Is it making that sound because the timing might be off even though I think it's dead on? Could the sound be that I'm low on oil ( i just thought of that)? Or could it be that the valves are hitting the pistons? I haven't tried driving the truck yet. Am just wondering if its ok to do so. If you've had similar problems, I'd like to read about them. Thanks

The blown timing belt may have caused noise
However if were low on oil, that possibly could have caused blown belt aqnd the noise
I have never had a problem with a blown belt causing damage to 2.3 motor
that is not saying it could not happen
do you have oil pressure

bottom line is that you can be half a tooth off and it will not hurt motor

I tried starting the truck after reading your post Ronald and the truck ran great. Thanks for the info. It's always scarey to try something when you're unsure and this forum helps make things a lot clearer. Thanks.
