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Tire wear

2000 XLS 2WD
Tires keep chopping on the inside edge. Just replaced the shocks and new tires. The tires have 7,000 miles on them and are already chopping. The alignmet is also ok so what else could be causing the tire problem?

What do you mean by the alignment is ok? Have you have the alignment checked?

Robb said:
What do you mean by the alignment is ok? Have you have the alignment checked?

The alignment is ok meaning it's not pulling to the right or left and yes I had it checked when I put the new tires and shocks on it.

Your alignment is off. You can't check it by looking at it. And I bet if you look hard enough from the front, you will see that the tires look a little like this: / \

The only way to check it is to take it to an alignment shop and have them look at it (well, there are shade tree ways, but I wouldn't bother).
